Celebrating Law Enforcement During National Police Week

National Police Week - Indiana State Police

For a 4th year, our Lerner & Rowe team celebrated National Police Week by catering a delicious spread to various police departments!

This year, we were proud to have been able to serve 10 departments, double what we served in 2023.

We are sincerely appreciative to all of our law enforcement officers across the country for the sacrifice they make each day when putting on their uniform to protect our communities.

Thank you to Mike’s Main Event and Pappas Restaurant for working with us to provide these lunches!

2024 Law Police Departments Served

Photos from National Police Week 2024:

Safety Tips for Driving During Arizona Monsoon Season

Arizona monsoon season safety

The Arizona monsoon season starts in June and stretches all the way through September. It can bring pounding rain, lightning, dust storms, harsh winds, punishing heat, flash floods, and a considerable increase in humidity. These conditions are both uncomfortable and dangerous. An excess of automotive oil and other fluids can also emerge from the pavement when monsoon showers arrive, increasing your chances of a summer car accident.

If you suffer an injury because of the negligent or reckless acts of another while driving during monsoon season, our Arizona personal injury attorneys will help you pursue fair compensation. You can do your part to avoid an accident by following these Arizona monsoon season driving tips.

Reduce Your Speed During Arizona Monsoon Season

Though the Arizona monsoon season does not bring powerful rainstorms every single day, the summer rain is especially harsh when the skies open up. If you are caught in a nasty rainstorm or dust storm, do not attempt to travel at or above the speed limit. 

Reduce your speed to a rate that permits visibility and sufficient control, decreasing your chances of a car accident. There is no harm in pulling over to the side of the road and waiting out the storm. Just be sure to move completely off the road so other drivers do not slam into your vehicle.

Arizona Monsoon Season Preparation

Prepare for monsoon season well ahead of time. Put bottled water, non-perishable food, an emergency medical kit, rain jacket, and an umbrella in your vehicle. Switch out old windshield wipers with new ones so your vehicle is ready to handle the downpour. 

Though the threat of a light or moderate rainstorm should not stop you from heading out, you should still check the weather before leaving home, work, or elsewhere. If the weather forecast predicts a torrential downpour, flash flooding, dust storms, or excessive lightning, consider delaying or canceling your plans.

Related: Arizona Road Trip Safety Tips for Rainy Weather

Respect the Danger Posed by Flash Flooding

A flash flood has the potential to take your life. Flash flooding can put an entire neighborhood, street, or other space under a significant amount of water. Try to stay far away from washes, rivers, and other areas with water during flash floods. 

If you spot a flooded area ahead, do not hesitate to turn around or pull over and use your smartphone or GPS to look up another route. When in doubt, err on the side of safety. It only takes a few inches of moving water to carry a vehicle in a wayward manner. Your best option is to either stay at home or head to higher ground to avoid potential flash flooding.

Dust Storms Can Occur During Arizona Monsoon Season

The Arizona monsoon season can generate breathtaking yet hazardous dust storms. These walls of dust can stand upwards of a mile high. Though dust storms look amazing from a distance, they are treacherous to everyone in their vicinity as they can roll across a large stretch of terrain and shift daylight into complete darkness.

Dust storms that are not particularly harsh are still a threat as they are almost always sandwiched between monsoon rainstorms. If you spot a dust storm ahead, consider reversing or altering your course to travel far away from the storm. The last thing you want is to be trapped in a dust storm that makes it impossible to see the road ahead.

Lightning Often Accompanies Monsoons

The Grand Canyon State’s lightning storms are not as fierce as those in the Midwest, yet they are frequent in number. The National Weather Service (NWS) reports 1.5-million lightning strikes occur in Arizona and New Mexico each year. 

Take the proper precautions and you will not become a statistic. Most people are surprised to learn 49 people in the United States perish from lightning strikes each year. Furthermore, hundreds suffer painful injuries like electric shock or burn injuries resulting from lightning strikes in the United States alone.

If a storm approaches, find shelter. As long as there is not a threat of flooding, look for a structure on low ground with plumbing fixtures so you can remain comfortable while waiting for the storm to end. 

Alternatively, you can remain in your vehicle as long as it has a metal roof. If you hear thunder, remain alert. The sound of thunder indicates you are within range of lightning. Stay away from trees, rocky cliffs, water, and metal objects as you seek safety at a low elevation.

Related: Most Dangerous Travel Days in Arizona

Do Not Cross Flooded Washes

There is no sense attempting to cross a flooded wash. It does not matter if the wash looks shallow; an attempt to cross such a flooded space could prove deadly. Respect the power of water. It takes merely a couple inches of fast-moving water to put your personal safety and your vehicle in jeopardy.

Remain Alert at All Times

Arizona has its fair share of mountains, cliffs, boulders, and rocks. Heavy rain, wind, and storm runoff loosens rocks and even some boulders. It is possible loose rocks and boulders may slide down highway slopes. Remain alert when driving on the highway and other areas near such slopes. A quick reaction to dodge a large rock or boulder just might prevent an accident and save your life.

Injured on the Road or Highway During Arizona Monsoon Season?

If you are injured in any way when traversing Arizona’s roads or highways in Scottsdale, Glendale, Tolleson, Gilbert, or any other city in the state, our personal injury lawyers can help. 

Reach out to us today at 844-977-1900 to schedule a free consultation. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We will take your call anytime, 24/7. You can even contact us online by taking advantage of our LiveChat feature.

Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys has a proven track record of winning full and fair settlements for injury victims across the country. Furthermore, our team’s emphasis on treating clients with the compassion and respect that they deserve has helped us receive incredible reviews. For an unmatched combination of excellent results and superior customer service, Lerner and Rowe is the way to go.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Backyard BBQ Safety Tips for Memorial Day Weekend

BBQ burn injury lawyer

As Memorial Day ushers in the unofficial beginning of summer, it presents an excellent opportunity to gather friends and family for a backyard BBQ and celebration. However, amidst the preparations for food and drinks, it is crucial to prioritize the safety of everyone present and prevent burn injuries. Unfortunately, grilling-related burns are a frequent occurrence and can lead to severe consequences, including disfigurement, emotional distress, and significant pain and suffering. To ensure a safe Memorial Day weekend, Lerner and Rowe’s BBQ burn injury lawyer provides the following guidelines and advice.

Nine Safety Tips to Avoid Grill Burns

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) claims that approximately 5,400 people visited hospital emergency rooms due to grill-related injuries in 2022. While many of these injuries were a result of simple carelessness, others were caused by negligence or defective products. The good news is that most grill accidents are highly preventable through simple safety measures. Here are nine barbecue grill safety tips that our BBQ burn injury lawyer team recommends.

Inspect Your Grill

Inspecting your grill before use is always important, but it’s especially so if a Memorial Day cookout is your first time grilling this season. Make sure that your grill is clean and free of grease, check any fuel lines, and look for cracks or other signs of damage. 

It’s best to do this a few days in advance, so you have time to make any adjustments needed. Be especially wary of built-up grease; our BBQ burn injury lawyer has served many clients who have been burned due to flare-ups caused by grease.

Position Your Grill Properly

Make sure that your grill is positioned at least 10 feet away from your home or other structures, walkways, and trees–and farther away is even better. Your grill should be on a large, flat surface that can’t burn–like concrete or asphalt–and never on a porch or deck that could catch fire. It’s also imperative to make sure that exhaust from the grill doesn’t flow into your home in order to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

Also keep any holiday decorations, hanging baskets, outdoor pillows, and patio umbrellas a safe distance away.

Wear the Right Clothes

Don’t wear long, blousy sleeves that could dangle over the grill. Also, watch your shirt tails and apron strings. Safety gloves are essential when handling grates or moving other hot objects. Welding gloves are inexpensive and offer a high degree of protection.

Start the Fire Carefully

To ensure your safety, it is advisable to employ a chimney or an electric fire starter when igniting your barbecue. Never use starter fluid if your charcoal or kindling is already ablaze. It is crucial to refrain from using combustible liquids like gasoline to initiate the fire. Our BBQ burn injury attorney has represented clients who have endured severe injuries due to attempting to ignite a barbecue fire with gasoline.

Don’t Overload Your Grill

Exercise caution when placing food on your grill, particularly when dealing with fatty meats. Avoid overloading the grill with excessive amounts of food, as an overflow of fat dripping onto the flames can potentially lead to hazardous and significant flare-ups.

Guard the Grill

If a grill is in use or is still hot, make sure an adult is watching it at all times. Ensure that children or pets don’t accidentally get burned or knock the grill over and cause a fire.

The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) reported an average annual occurrence of 10,600 home fires related to grills, hibachis, or barbecues. The simple act of keeping a close eye on the grill can help you avoid these types of fires and the injuries they can cause.

Know How to Fight Flare-Ups

Have a fire extinguisher nearby to fight flare-ups or out-of-control fires. Make sure you know how to use it in a hurry. Don’t hesitate to call 911, because burns can occur if you’re trying to make your extinguisher work and can’t get the fire under control quickly. Also, know how to cut off fuel lines if you’re using propane.

Watch for Gas Leaks

If you’re using a natural gas or propane grill and smell gas as you’re cooking, immediately turn off the gas tank and burners. Get away from the grill and call the fire department if you continue to smell gas. But if it stops, make sure to have your grill professionally serviced prior to using it again.

Dispose of Coals Properly

Once you have completed your grilling session, it is important to dispose of the charcoal correctly. Ensure that the coals have cooled down entirely before transferring them into a metal receptacle. If needed, you can add water to the container for further safety measures.

Get Help from a BBQ Burn Injury Lawyer

If someone else’s negligence was the cause of your burn injuries at a Memorial Day cookout, contact a BBQ burn injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys. Our team is always ready to help around the clock, every day of the week, either by phone at 844-977-1900 or through LiveChat on our website. Our consultations are free, and our attorneys only charge legal fees if we secure a financial compensation on your behalf.

Apart from receiving outstanding reviews for our compassionate and respectful treatment of every client, our lawyers have a remarkable history of achieving significant outcomes for injury victims across the country. Get in touch with us now to discover firsthand why Lerner and Rowe stands as one of America’s most trusted personal injury firms.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Cuidar a mamá después de un accidente de auto

Cuidar a mamá después de un accidente de auto

Los accidentes de auto son traumáticos sin importar quién esté involucrado. Cuando una madre mayor se lesiona, puede tener un impacto negativo en todo el hogar, especialmente porque las madres tienden a asumir la mayor parte de la responsabilidad en el hogar, incluidas las tareas domésticas, el cuidado de los nietos, de las mascotas, hacer recados, etc. En honor al Día de la Madres 2024, nuestros abogados de lesiones personales a nivel nacional brindan consejos sobre cómo cuidar a su madre después de un accidente de auto.

Cosas que puedes hacer para cuidar a tu mamá después de un accidente de auto

Cuando se recuperan de un accidente, muchas personas se sienten impotentes, decepcionadas, desesperanzadas y solas. Cualquier cosa que puedas hacer para ayudar a cuidar a tu madre después de un accidente de auto será muy apreciada.

Aquí hay una variedad de cosas que puede hacer para ayudarla a recuperarse después de un accidente de auto:

  • Tome fotografías del auto y de cualquier lesión que haya sufrido.
  • Llévela a sus citas con el médico o a cualquier otro lugar al que necesite ir.
  • Ofrécete para hacer mandados y tareas domésticas.
  • Prepare algunas cenas congeladas ya preparadas que se puedan calentar fácilmente.
  • Ofrézcase a cuidar a su mascota si su movilidad es limitada.
  • Ayuda a reorganizar su casa para que sea más fácil transitar.
  • Proporcionar apoyo emocional.
  • Puede que estas cosas no parezcan mucho, pero las pequeñas cosas son las más importantes. Esto es particularmente cierto cuando se trata de cuidar a tu madre después de un accidente de auto.

Otra cuestión clave es cómo y cuándo podrá volver a trabajar, especialmente si hay una lesión. Si este es el caso, encontrar un abogado de lesiones personales respetado puede ser una forma de tranquilizarla.

Póngase en contacto con Lerner and Rowe las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

Si su madre resulta herida en un accidente de auto este Día de la Madres, asegúrese de ayudarla obteniendo la asistencia legal que necesita.

En Lerner and Rowe, entendemos que los accidentes de autos pueden ser estresantes y consumir mucho tiempo. Nuestro equipo legal trabajará arduamente para ayudar a las familias a cuidar a sus mamás brindándoles representación legal de alto nivel y buscando la compensación más alta posible. También ayudaremos a llevar sus cargas emocionales para que puedan concentrarse en su recuperación.

Comuníquese con los abogados de lesiones de Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys cuando necesite un abogado de accidentes altamente experimentado, probado y de buena reputación para su madre después de sufrir una lesión durante un accidente de auto. 

Llame a nuestra oficina a cualquier hora del día o de la noche marcando al 844-977-1900.Nuestra función de LiveChat también está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Nuestra empresa tiene un historial de obtener la mayor compensación posible para nuestros clientes. Recibirá una consulta gratuita y no habrá honorarios hasta que ganemos su caso.

La información contenida en este blog es sólo para fines de información general. Nada de lo contenido en este documento debe tomarse como asesoramiento legal para ningún caso o situación individual. Recibir o ver esta información no pretende crear una relación abogado-cliente. 

Tips To Prevent Injury on Mother’s Day in Vegas

Vegas Mother’s Day Injury

Mother’s Day is a special occasion where we honor and appreciate the incredible women in our lives. Las Vegas is known for its vibrant atmosphere and endless entertainment, making it a great place to spend Mother’s Day 2024. While you’re celebrating Mom, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to ensure an accident-free celebration. Whether you’ve made brunch reservations, taking mom to a show, or just having a quiet day at home, accidents are always a possibility. Anything from intoxicated drivers and negligent business owners to monsoons can cause a Vegas Mother’s Day injury

At Lerner and Rowe, our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys review some common Mother’s Day injuries and offer some tips on how to support your mother after an accident.

Common Vegas Mother’s Day Injuries 

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall injuries are prevalent on Mother’s Day in Las Vegas. With the large number of resorts, hotels, and entertainment venues in Las Vegas, slip and fall accidents can happen. Often, crowded areas increase the risk of falls and injuries like broken bones and soft tissue injuries. Stay alert and mindful of potential hazards when out walking around. Encourage family members to wear comfortable and slip-resistant footwear. Be cautious on wet or uneven surfaces and report any potential hazards to staff.

Car Accidents

With families heading out to restaurants or entertainment venues, the risk of traffic accidents rises. Practice defensive driving techniques, obey traffic rules, and avoid distractions while behind the wheel. Be sure to drive carefully in construction zones and when next to motorcycles on the road.   

Alcohol-Related Accidents

Many people indulge in alcoholic beverages during celebrations, which can lead to poor decision-making and a Vegas Mother’s Day injury. If consuming alcohol or partaking in marijuana, do so responsibly and designate a sober driver or use rideshare services to avoid impaired driving

Heat and Sun Related Injuries

On Mother’s Day, families might plan outdoor activities. Spending time outdoors in the infamous desert heat without adequate protection can lead to sunburn and heat-related illnesses. Make sure everyone applies sunscreen with a high SPF and stays hydrated. Seek shade or air-conditioned areas during peak heat hours to avoid heat exhaustion.

Swimming Pool Accidents

With many Las Vegas hotels boasting luxurious pools, Mother’s Day might involve a poolside celebration at the one of the best swimming pools in Las Vegas. Slipping on wet surfaces, horseplay gone wrong, or other negligent behaviors can lead to swimming pool accidents

How to Help Your Mom After an Accident

If your mother is injured in Las Vegas on Mother’s Day, you will want to help and support her during her time of need. There are several things you can do to support your mother during her recovery and immediately after the accident, including: 

  • Offer assistance at the accident: if you are present at the time of the accident, provide simple first aid and be a calming presence for your mother and others involved. Stay composed to help maintain a sense of stability and security.
  • Seek medical treatment: make sure to seek medical treatment as soon as possible after an accident, even for seemingly minor injuries. Medical records are vital evidence in building a strong personal injury claim. 
  • Document important details: along with medical records, take photos and record any other important details of the accident scene and injuries. If there are witnesses, make sure to get their contact information. Make sure to keep all documents organized and have them ready for your lawyer to review. 
  • Take your mother to doctor visits: your mother may be unable to drive due to her injuries. Offer to accompany her to these visits, ensuring that the doctors have all the necessary information to assist in her recovery and document the injuries for legal purposes.
  • Help with everyday tasks: support your mother by assisting with daily activities such as grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, running errands, and other necessary tasks. Spending quality time with her will provide essential support during her recovery period.
  • Be Present: recovering from an accident can be emotionally draining. Just being there for your mom, listening to her concerns, and offering comfort is crucial.

Contact a Las Vegas Mother’s Day Injury Lawyer

Lerner and Rowe hope everyone has a safe and happy Mother’s Day. Even if you take precautions and celebrate safely, accidents can still happen. If you experience a Vegas Mother’s Day injury, our team of experienced personal injury attorneys can help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

We have a strong track record of winning results. In fact, we’ve recovered billions of dollars total for our clients, with over a billion dollars in the past four years alone! Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys offer free consultations and you are not charged any fees unless your case is won. 

To get started on your consultation, contact us today by calling 702-877-1500, connecting with a representative via LiveChat, or by sending us a message

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Taking Care of Mom After a Car Accident

Care for mom after car accident

Car accidents are traumatic no matter who is involved. When an older mother is injured, it can have a negative impact on the whole household, especially since moms tend to take on a majority of the responsibility in the home, including household chores, taking care of grandkids/pets, running errands, etc. In honor of Mother’s Day 2024, our nationwide personal injury attorneys provide advice on how to care for your mom after a car accident

Things You Can Do to Care for Your Mom After a Car Accident

When recovering from an accident, many people feel powerless, disappointed, hopeless, and lonely. Anything you can do to help care for your mom after a car crash will be much appreciated.

Here’s a variety of things you can do to help her recover after a car accident:

  • Take photos of the car and any injuries
  • Drive her to doctor appointments or anywhere else she needs to go
  • Offer to run errands and do household chores
  • Prepare some pre-made, frozen dinners that can be easily reheated 
  • Offer to pet sit if her mobility is limited
  • Help to reorganize her home so it’s easier to navigate
  • Provide emotional support 

These things might not seem like a lot, but the small things are the most important. This is particularly true when it comes to caring for your mother after a car accident.

Another key issue is how and when she will be able to return to work, especially if there is an injury. If this is the case, finding a respected personal injury attorney can be one way to put her mind at ease.

Get in Touch with Lerner and Rowe 24/7

If your mom get’s hurt in a car wreck this Mother’s Day, make sure that you assist her by obtaining the legal assistance she needs.

At Lerner and Rowe, we understand that car accidents can be stressful and time-consuming. Our legal team will work hard to help families care for their moms by providing top level legal representation and seeking the highest compensation possible. We will also help carry their emotional burdens so that they can focus on their recovery.

Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys when you need a highly experienced, proven, and reputable accident lawyer for your mother after she suffer an injury during a car crash. Call our office at any time of day or night by dialing 844-977-1900. Our LiveChat feature is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our company has a track record of obtaining the highest possible compensation for our customers. You will receive a free consultation and there will be no fees until we win your case.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

100 Deadliest Days of Summer: How to Keep Teen Drivers Safe

Phoenix teen driving accident

May marks the beginning of what has come to be known as the 100 deadliest days of summer—the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when the average teen driver fatality crash rate spikes to 43%. While some car accidents are unavoidable, many are preventable through simple safety practices. To help the teen drivers in your life stay safe, the Phoenix car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe offer the following Phoenix teen driving accident prevention tips.

Three Ways to Avoid a Phoenix Teen Driving Accident

Summertime typically has the highest concentration of teen drivers, since most teenagers will be out of school. While many teenage drivers are perfectly safe, some lack awareness, experience, and knowledge. This can be disastrous for other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Encourage the teenagers in your household to follow the tips below to keep them and everyone else on the road safe.

Avoid Distracted Driving

These days, it’s all too easy to become distracted while driving thanks to mobile phones. But what many teenagers (and even some adults) don’t realize is that almost anything can lead to distracted driving if it compromises your visual, manual, or cognitive focus. Some of these distractions may include:

  • Fiddling with the car radio or infotainment system
  • Eating while driving
  • Unruly or rowdy passengers
  • Daydreaming
  • Complex, emotional, or otherwise distracting conversations

Keep potential distractions to a minimum, especially when you are a new driver, in order to reduce the risk of a Phoenix teen driving accident.

Stick to the Speed Limit

According to 2022 data from the National Safety Council (NSC), 35% of male drivers between the ages of 15 and 20 involved in fatal accidents were speeding at the time of the crash. Female drivers in the same age range were considerably safer, with 19% of young female drivers speeding at the time of fatal accidents. 

It’s important to follow posted speed limits to avoid getting a ticket or causing a traffic accident. In addition, teenagers and inexperienced drivers should be especially careful about managing their speed, as not all speed-related crashes are due to intentional risk-taking.

This means keeping a safe following distance from other vehicles, learning how to accelerate and decelerate safely, and controlling their speed in relation to other traffic on the road and weather conditions.

Don’t Drive Under the Influence

The 100 deadliest days of summer include many major drinking holidays in the U.S., including Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day weekend. Teenagers who are out of school on summer vacation or a long weekend may be more likely to drink and thus more likely to get into an alcohol-involved accident.

The combination of being a less experienced driver and being more susceptible to the intoxicating effects of alcohol or drugs can lead to an increased risk of involvement in a Phoenix teen driving accident.

Talk to your teens about the dangers of drinking and driving, and encourage them to use alternate transportation to get home if they end up imbibing. Some parents may implement a no questions asked policy in which their teen can call them for a ride at any time without worrying about getting into trouble.

Looking for more tips for your teen driver? Check out our parents’ guide to teaching driving.

Injured in a Phoenix Car Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident through no fault of your own, or if you have lost a loved one in a Phoenix teen driving accident, legal help is available to you. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, or for funeral costs. 

Call us at 602-977-1900 to schedule a free initial consultation with our Phoenix car accident lawyers. You can also connect with us online using our LiveChat service, or by sending us a secure message regarding your case. 

The injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe have more than 240 years of combined experience serving injury victims across the country, winning billion-dollar results total for their clients. Take the first step towards the settlement that you deserve and contact us today.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

Don’t Gamble Your Safety During Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas

Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas

As one of the greatest party cities in the world, celebrating Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas is a must for anyone who loves the holiday. This celebration is bound to be an exciting and memorable experience, but with the abundance of parties and alcohol, injuries are common–a good time can quickly turn into a tragedy. Luckily, the personal injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe can help.

If you or a loved one have been injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another party on Cinco de Mayo, then reach out to our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers to get the help you need.

7 Cinco de Mayo Safety Tips 

When celebrating Cinco de Mayo, you’ll have plenty of bars, nightclubs, and restaurants to choose from. No matter which great party location you choose, make sure you stay safe and make good choices. Cinco de Mayo has the potential to be a dangerous holiday, especially if you’re surrounded by people who are not as cautious. With that in mind, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and take steps to protect yourself from potential risks with these seven top safety tips:

1. Make plans before heading out

Plan your mode of transportation before leaving. Have a designated driver, use a rideshare service, or have someone ready to pick you up later to avoid driving drunk.

2. Plan your route before leaving

Due to the large celebration, certain areas may be blocked off. Know exactly where you’re headed before leaving and check to see if there are any closed roads. 

3. Stay alert

Keep an eye out for pickpockets and be cautious when crossing busy streets. Stay alert and avoid confrontations with aggressive or intoxicated individuals. Make sure to leave valuables at home and only bring with you what you will need. 

4. Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to where you are walking. Look at the ground in front of you as you walk, especially when walking on uneven surfaces, stairs, or areas with wet or slippery floors to help avoid a slip and fall accident.

5. Drink responsibly

Alcohol consumption is a significant part of Cinco de Mayo celebrations, but it’s important to drink responsibly. Pace yourself and know your limits. Stay hydrated by drinking water in between alcoholic beverages and never leave your drink unattended. Do not accept drinks from strangers.

6. Be extra careful when driving

If possible, it’s best to avoid driving on Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas. If you do have to drive, keep an eye out for drunk drivers on the road. To prevent a car accident, maintain a safe distance from anybody who’s driving recklessly. Be on the lookout for anything that can obstruct the regular flow of traffic, such as sobriety checks.

7. Stay connected

Stay in touch with your group so you don’t get separated or lost. Charge your phone before leaving, make sure everyone in your group knows where you are, and check-in with them regularly. Make sure everyone knows when and where to meet up if they get separated.

Injured While Celebrating Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas? Contact Lerner and Rowe

We hope everyone who celebrates has a safe and fun time this Cinco de Mayo. By following the safety tips outlined above, you can reduce your risk of injury and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable time. However, accidents can still happen even when you take all precautions, so it’s important to know that our team of Las Vegas personal injury lawyers is here to help if you or a loved one are injured on Cinco de Mayo.

Our attorneys and staff of accomplished legal professionals bring experience, skill, and passion to your case. Our experienced lawyers have a proven record for winning maximum settlements for clients and are available 24/7.

To get started on your free case consultation, contact us at 702-877-1500. You can also reach us online, via LiveChat, or submit a free case evaluation

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.

¿Qué son los daños punitivos? 

¿Qué son los daños punitivos? 

Es difícil saber qué le espera en el futuro, incluso cuando sus seres queridos están felices y sanos. Se vuelve aún más difícil planificar el futuro cuando su familia sufre una lesión personal. Ahora te preguntas: ¿cómo vas a pagar las cuentas mientras no puedas trabajar? ¿Cómo cubrirá los nuevos costos médicos? ¿Cómo podrá permitirse agregar una rampa para sillas de ruedas en la puerta de entrada o una nueva ducha en su baño para adaptarse a una nueva discapacidad? Hay algunos tipos de daños que usted puede ser elegible para recibir después de un accidente con lesiones personales. 

Por lo general, la indemnización por daños y perjuicios se solicita y se obtiene mediante una demanda por lesiones personales. Los daños punitivos son otra forma que a menudo se otorgan además de los daños compensatorios. Si corresponde, los daños punitivos pueden maximizar su compensación al finalizar su caso.

Una lesión personal causada por la negligencia de otra parte puede cambiarlo todo. Un abogado de lesiones personales de Lerner and Rowe en puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia a buscar una compensación por daños para cubrir los gastos diarios y los costos médicos después de un accidente.

Comuníquese con Lerner and Rowe hoy llamando al 844-977-1900. Uno de nuestros representantes legales con experiencia puede ayudarle las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para ayudarlo a programar una consulta gratuita para conocer su elegibilidad para solicitar daños compensatorios y/o punitivos.

La diferencia entre daños punitivos y compensatorios

Entonces, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre daños punitivos y compensatorios? Para empezar, existen dos tipos de daños compensatorios.

  1. El primero son los daños económicos. Estos también se conocen como daños especiales. La indemnización económica reembolsa o compensa directamente a la víctima de un accidente (demandante) por gastos concretos. Por ejemplo, si perdió semanas de trabajo debido a una lesión, sus daños económicos pueden cubrir esos salarios perdidos. 

O, si su hija adolescente tuvo que viajar en helicóptero al hospital de la ciudad después de su accidente automovilístico en una zona rural, es posible que le reembolsen las facturas médicas asociadas. Estos daños son más fáciles de calcular en comparación con otros tipos de daños.

  1. El segundo tipo de daños compensatorios son los daños no económicos o generales. Los daños generales son mucho más difíciles de calcular. Esto se debe a que su objetivo es compensar a las víctimas por daños más abstractos. Los daños no económicos pueden incluir una cantidad monetaria para compensar el daño a la reputación después de un accidente, la pérdida de una vida normal o la pérdida de un ser querido o proveedor de la familia.

Es importante contar con un abogado de lesiones personales para ayudar a determinar el monto financiero apropiado de los daños no económicos, ya que no hay forma de asignar un costo financiero concreto a estas pérdidas.

Si bien la búsqueda de daños económicos y no económicos puede generar una compensación por sus lesiones, es posible que no obtenga su monto máximo si no considera también los daños punitivos.

Daños punitivos más definidos

¿Qué son los daños punitivos? Los daños punitivos no son muy comunes. De hecho, sólo alrededor del cinco por ciento de los veredictos los incluyen después de un caso. Sin embargo, sigue siendo importante no descartarlos hasta que se hayan recopilado y evaluado todas las pruebas.

Para determinar qué califica para daños punitivos, el demandante debe tener pruebas de que el demandado actuó con desprecio sin sentido por la seguridad de los demás. En otras palabras, debe haber pruebas de que el acusado sabía que sus acciones probablemente causarían daño y que continuaron de todos modos. Cualquier evidencia de conducta peligrosa, incumplimiento de la ley o malicia podrá dar lugar a la aplicación de daños punitivos.

Ejemplos de daños punitivos

Un ejemplo de daños punitivos otorgados en un caso es el caso Robinson contra Reynolds. La familia Robinson demandó a RJ Reynolds, una empresa tabacalera, por la muerte de un miembro de la familia. La familia no sólo obtuvo 16,9 millones de dólares en concepto de daños compensatorios, sino que también recibió 23,6 mil millones de dólares en concepto de daños punitivos.

Los casos con beneficios tan grandes no son típicos. Otro ejemplo, pero menos extremo es Chiara v. Dernago. La demandante fue chocada por detrás, lo que le provocó graves lesiones en el cuello. El acusado, detenido en el lugar de los hechos por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, tenía dos veces el doble de alcohol en sangre legal. Por lo tanto, se determinó que había actuado imprudentemente y el demandante recibió 70,000 dólares en concepto de daños punitivos.

Su caso de lesiones personales puede ser un buen caso para buscar daños punitivos. Pero esto puede ser difícil de determinar por su cuenta. Entonces, comuníquese con los abogados de lesiones personales de Lerner and Rowe. Nuestro reconocido equipo de abogados puede ayudarle de día o de noche, los 365 días del año, así que use nuestra función de LiveChat para conectarse hoy. O complete este formulario en línea para conocer sus próximos pasos.

Propósito de los daños punitivos

Con sumas tan grandes de dinero otorgadas por daños compensatorios, uno se pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito de los daños punitivos? Hay tres razones principales por las que existen daños punitivos.

  1. Como sugiere el nombre, los daños punitivos tienen como objetivo castigar al acusado por sus acciones. Luego, el dinero puede destinarse a ayudar a las familias afectadas a recuperarse.
  2. Los daños punitivos también pretenden dar ejemplo. Con suerte, el acusado cambiará sus hábitos o evitará situaciones similares en las que pueda causar daño.
  3. Reducir la probabilidad de que se repitan acciones similares es otro beneficio de los daños punitivos. Luego, si otros se dan cuenta de la cantidad de daño causado por un comportamiento negligente y de cómo puede afectar sus vidas, monetariamente y de otro modo, pueden evitar situaciones similares.

Por encima de todo, el objetivo de la indemnización punitiva es también ayudar a los heridos en un accidente que no fue culpa suya. También ayuda a alentar al acusado y a otras personas a no repetir comportamientos dañinos. Así que asegúrese de preguntar sobre los daños punitivos cuando su abogado de lesiones personales de Lerner and Rowe comience a evaluar su caso.

¿Qué determina la cantidad recibida?

A medida que se evalúa su caso, es importante saber cómo se calculan los daños punitivos. Hay una serie de factores que intervienen en la determinación de una cantidad.

En primer lugar, se determina el nivel de daño causado por el acusado. ¿Las heridas de la víctima fueron algo menores? ¿Se consideran catastróficas sus lesiones? ¿Podrán volver a su vida normal? ¿Hubo una muerte involucrada? Todo esto sirve para determinar el monto de los daños punitivos.

Su abogado también determinará el monto del daño a la propiedad causado. Si el accidente ocurrió en la carretera, pueden considerar la pérdida total de un vehículo o cuántos vehículos se vieron afectados.

A continuación, se tienen en cuenta la riqueza y los recursos propios del acusado. Si el acusado es muy rico, es probable que pague daños punitivos en proporción a sus activos. Por el contrario, es posible que un acusado con muy pocos bienes no pague una cantidad tan alta.

Límites de daños punitivos

Después de ver todo el daño causado por la imprudencia de alguien, puede resultar tentador imponer la mayor cantidad posible de daños punitivos. Sin embargo, existen límites. Por ejemplo, cualquier monto que exceda una proporción de 10:1 entre daños compensatorios y punitivos se considera inconstitucional. En otras palabras, el monto de los daños punitivos sólo puede ser diez veces el monto de otros daños ganados.

Algunos estados también imponen un límite a la cantidad máxima de daños punitivos permitidos en un caso de lesiones personales. Arizona no tiene este límite establecido, aunque en general considera que una proporción de 4:1 es demasiado alta.

Lo más importante es que sólo se pueden conceder daños punitivos si ya se han obtenido daños compensatorios. En ningún caso se podrá otorgar al demandante únicamente daños punitivos; son sólo una cantidad adicional.

¿Quién recibe daños y perjuicios?

En la mayoría de los casos, el demandante o la víctima que presenta cargos recibirá todos los daños punitivos. A menudo, los honorarios legales provienen directamente del monto de la compensación obtenida. En Lerner and Rowe, no tendrá que pagar ninguno de estos honorarios legales hasta que ganemos su caso.

Nuestra asistencia superior al cliente comienza durante su consulta inicial completamente gratuita. Luego, nos tomamos el tiempo para construir una relación con usted y aprender la mejor manera de resolver su caso. A partir de ahí, lo mantendremos informado sobre el monto de los daños compensatorios y punitivos que se solicitarán en su nombre.

Encuentre un abogado de lesiones personales cerca de usted

Si bien puede ser un momento difícil para manejar tantas cosas, es importante comunicarse con un abogado de lesiones personales lo antes posible.

El servicio más valioso que ofrecemos no tiene valor en dólares: valoramos a todos nuestros clientes y nos dedicamos a ayudarlos a llevar la carga emocional de su caso de lesiones personales mientras usted se concentra en la recuperación. Entonces, no espere: llame hoy a nuestros abogados de lesiones personales para buscar la compensación que usted y su familia merecen.

Comuníquese con nuestras oficinas al 844-977-1900, complete el formulario en línea o simplemente mande un mensaje mediante nuestro LiveChat en su pantalla. Nuestro galardonado equipo está listo para atender su llamada hoy.

La información contenida en este blog es sólo para fines de información general. Nada de lo contenido en este documento debe tomarse como asesoramiento legal para ningún caso o situación individual. Esta información no pretende crear una relación abogado-cliente.