In an effort to reduce school zone related car accidents and injuries, law makers passed new laws, starting Thursday, October 1, 2015. Two new school zone driving rules are enforceable and punishable by law in hopes of reducing pedestrian-related car accidents. Metro will ticket you, if caught disobeying the new laws. These new laws also support the Zero Fatalities program from the LVMPD.
Children walking to school can walk a little safer now as the law now prohibits the following driving maneuvers in school zones and school crossing zones throughout Nevada:
- No U-turns
- No Passing
Nevada School Zone
This law amplifies the previous ones in place to ensure your student’s safety. As a quick refresher, the laws are as follows:
- You may not drive above the designated speed limits (either 15 or 25 mph) unless school isn’t in session, or if it is outside of the normal time frame (half an hour before and half an hour after the bell) for school.
- If there is a beacon, you must also follow the designated speeds.
- Lastly, obey all crossing/traffic guards.
Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys hopes that the implementation of these new laws will keep the children of Las Vegas safe on their way to and from school. We also hope to see a reduction in accidents.
If you or your child is ever injured in a car accident in a Nevada school zone, contact our personal injury lawyers at 844-977-1900 to get the justice your family deserves. Don’t wait! We look forward to hearing from you. We will work hard for your case. No fees unless you win and we also offer free consults.
Have a great day and also remember, no u-turns or passing in Nevada school zones! Lastly, remind your loved ones to watch out too. Be safe.