Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers

Roswell may be a town full of mystery and science fiction, but when it comes to your personal injury case, you need clarity. Personal injuries can cause a lifetime of pain and chronic symptoms and keep you from returning to work. Financial compensation can help you cover related medical bills and lost wages. The Roswell personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe will be able to determine the true cause of your accident and do everything they can to hold that party accountable.

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Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers

Should You Trust Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers with Your Complicated Case?

Accidents that result in a personal injury can be tricky to work through. There is a lot of sensitive information passed between multiple parties, and you need an attorney you can trust. 

At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, we believe our most valuable non-legal service is handling the emotional burden of a complex case for our clients. We believe in your case so much that we take on all the risk without asking for any monies upfront. 

We also look out for your best interests so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries and other losses. 

Types of Roswell Personal Injury Claims Handled at Lerner and Rowe

In Roswell, you can be injured whether you’re walking the halls of the International UFO Museum and Research Center or traveling down Route 380. You might even be injured in your own backyard–all at no fault of your own. 

At Lerner and Rowe, we handle these types of Roswell personal injury claims and accidents:

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How much financial compensation can be recovered on your behalf will greatly depend on the severity of your injuries and other damages. 

What Injuries Can the Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Represent?

Regardless of the type of accident you had, your injuries can be severe. Even a simple slip and fall that happens in a heartbeat can lead to paralysis, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), or other catastrophic injuries. 

Additional injuries that we’ve handled resulting from a Roswell accident include:

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Skull fractures
  • Internal organ damage
  • Torn ligaments
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of limb
  • Anxiety
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions

During an accident, it’s typical for a victim to suffer more than one injury at once. So, you may be healing from a concussion, a broken leg, and depression. Or, you might have a skull fracture, suffered a loss of vision in one of your eyes, and broken an ankle. 

Almost any accident scenario leads to some missed time at work, too. Victims might be bedridden for weeks or even months. Some may remain unconscious, in a coma, for years. Financial compensation is the key to attaining the necessary funds to cover your medical bills and time away from work while you recover and into your future.

How Long Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Roswell, NM?

Depending on the type of accident you have, New Mexico’s statute of limitations reads that you may have between two to three years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury claim. If you file after this date, you will not be eligible for any financial compensation.

Why Choose Lerner and Rowe’s Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers

Some insurance companies in Roswell go out of their way to undervalue your personal injury claim. The attorneys at Lerner and Rowe are well-aware of this and their tactics to get you to settle for less than you are owed. And so, we focus our efforts on standing up to aggressive insurance companies who attempt to put profit over policyholders. This way, our clients can receive their fair amount of compensation.

Contact Our Roswell Personal Injury Lawyers Today

We provide excellent communications for our clients throughout the claims process. Our legal team is available 24/7, any time of the day or night to take your call at 575-544-4444.  So, don’t wait until a later date to contact our Roswell team- instead, call today and get the process started.