Soft Tissue Injury Lawyer in Albuquerque

New Mexico Whiplash Attorneys

New Mexico soft tissue attorneys

If you’ve been abruptly jerked around in a car accident, you should definitely have a medical check up. The reason for this is that very often signs of soft tissue injuries, like whiplash or neck sprains, take time to show up. Immediately after the accident you may feel just fine, but the next day you might start feeling stiff and sore, which can spread throughout your entire body. This is what’s called a “progression of pain” and it may be a signal that you are more seriously injured than you originally thought.

Injured? Contact Lerner and Rowe soft tissue injury lawyers in Albuquerque for a FREE consultation. We will thoroughly evaluate your whiplash case in order to help determine who was at fault. After we’ve completed the evaluation, our legal team will aggressively fight for any financial compensation you deserve for the injuries you’ve suffered and any other damages.

What Commonly Causes Soft Tissue Injuries?

Accidents are the most common cause of whiplash and other soft tissue injuries:

A Lerner and Rowe’s soft tissue injury lawyers in Albuquerque are available to help you with your whiplash case! Fill out and submit our case evaluation form online now. One of our experienced personal injury attorneys will get back to you within 24 hours for more details on your accident and to discuss your legal options.

Our Lawyers Will Come to You If You’re Unable To Come to Us!

Accidentally injured due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful act? You need a highly skilled and experienced whiplash or soft tissue injury lawyer in Albuquerque to fight on your behalf! In your situation you also need top-notch representation. You pay no fee unless we win your case! So don’t wait and call us at 505-444-4444 today!

Don’t hold off contacting Lerner and Rowe for legal representation! If you cannot come to our office due to your injury, we will send a highly qualified personal injury lawyer to your hospital, healthcare facility or home. Complete our free case evaluation form online today!