Albuquerque Pedestrian Accident Attorney

pedestrian accident lawyer

Throughout New Mexico there has been a recent rash of pedestrians being struck by cars, and this includes in the city of Albuquerque. The CDC reports that pedestrian deaths occur most frequently in the more urban areas around the city, during low visibility at night and at non-intersections. Contact an Albuquerque pedestrian accident attorney for more info.

For this reason Lerner and Rowe pedestrian accident attorneys make ourselves available 24/7 around the clock, seven days a week so that injury victims who need our legal representation can reach us at a moment’s notice.

Suffered injuries from a car? You need a specialized Albuquerque pedestrian accident attorney to advise you of your legal rights. We help recover your medical expenses and the compensation you deserve.

Why Do Cars in Albuquerque Hit Pedestrians?

Most pedestrians hit by cars couldn’t avoid being hit. Pedestrians are more likely to sustain life-threatening injuries that people in other types of car accidents.

Many of the Albuquerque pedestrian accidents:

  • Distracted drivers not paying attention
  • Drivers under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Reckless and/or speeding drivers

Non-Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 70,000 non-fatal pedestrian accidents occurred in the U.S. in 2010. Non-fatal pedestrian accidents can result in fairly minor injuries like bruises and scrapes or in major life-altering injuries.

Life-altering injuries resulting from a non-fatal pedestrian accident might affect your life for a very long time, as well as the lives of your loved ones, physically, emotionally and financially.

The kind of life-altering injuries often sustained when a car strikes someone include:

Take pedestrian accident injuries involving a major personal injury seriously. As soon as the accident happens, you must call for the medical attention you need for your injuries. Once stabilized, call an experienced Albuquerque pedestrian accident attorney.

Contact Lerner and Rowe Personal Injury Attorneys!

Give us a call today at 505-444-4444, or lastly fill out the form online to schedule time with one of our highly qualified Albuquerque pedestrian accident attorneys.