Santa Fe Car Accident Lawyer

Santa Fe is a beautiful city, with its stucco buildings and historical sites. However, it is also notorious for its dangerous intersections. This is where many car accidents occur in our city, resulting in a range of injuries that may heal quickly or affect the victim for the rest of their lives.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury on a Santa Fe road, highway, or in an intersection, call Lerner and Rowe today. A Santa Fe car accident lawyer will be able to look into your case and see if some other party was the true cause of your injury. Sometimes, your attorney may discover that the other driver was indeed solely responsible for your injuries. Other times, they may discover that a combination of factors contributed to your accident, like poor signage, multiple drivers, or even the manufacturer of the car itself. 

When this occurs, it means that multiple insurance companies will be involved in compensation negotiations. But, it also means that you might be able to win more compensation than you originally thought. The first step to find out exactly what you can expect from your settlement is to call 575-544-4444 and set up a free case evaluation and consultation.

Santa Fe Car Accident Lawyer

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Santa Fe

Car accidents in Santa Fe can happen due to countless factors. Very often, we see cases come in that were caused by:

  • Distracted driving, like texting on a smartphone
  • Speeding
  • Drowsy driving
  • Poorly marked roads
  • Reckless driving, like swerving in and out of lanes
  • Impaired driving, either by drugs or alcohol

Any one of these actions can be considered negligent. In other words, the responsible party had a duty of care to those on the road with them, and they failed to do their part in keeping everyone as safe as possible. This is what your car accident attorney will look for in determining who caused your accident–and knowing which insurance company to go up against.

Common Injuries Related to Car Collisions

In Santa Fe, it’s typical to see a range of car accident injuries. In many cases, due to the nature of the accident, one victim may suffer multiple injuries at once. Just some examples include:

  1. Whiplash
  2. Paralysis
  3. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  4. Concussions
  5. Broken bones
  6. Puncture wounds
  7. Internal organ damage
  8. Torn ligaments
  9. Soft tissues injuries
  10.  Catastrophic injuries

When a victim suffers these injuries, they may not be able to return to work for some time, if ever. Many victims must undergo reconstructive surgeries, mental health counseling, and more. Adjusting to a new lifestyle after an accident is physically, mentally, and financially draining. This is why you should file an injury claim after a car accident.

Free Case Review

Why File an Injury Claim After a Santa Fe Car Accident?

After a Santa Fe, NM car accident, it’s important to start seeking out financial compensation. You may not have emergency savings ready to cover you if the worst happens. Financial compensation can help you make ends meet while you pay medical bills and focus on recovery.

5 Steps for Filing an Injury Claim

To file an injury claim:

  1. Call Lerner and Rowe at 575-544-4444.
  2. Set up a free case evaluation and consultation.
  3. Tell your car accident attorney in Santa Fe the story of how you or your loved one were injured.
  4. Present any evidence you have gathered from the accident, like photos or medical bills. 
  5. Let our experienced attorneys build your case from there.

The first steps to starting a personal injury case are simple. And, when you work with Lerner and Rowe, it’s the most that you will have to worry about when it comes to your case. After your consultation, your attorney will begin their own investigation, calculating who caused your accident and how much they fairly owe you. 

Why Work with the Experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Lerner and Rowe?

While our attorneys work, you will be able to focus on your own physical and mental health. You will also be able to spend more time adjusting back to a new normal following an unexpected and traumatic situation. 

Our car accident attorneys may also be able to maximize your compensation by either finding multiple responsible parties or conducting expert negotiating skills with the involved insurance companies. Some insurance companies go out of their way to undervalue your claim, but with a knowledgeable attorney from Lerner and Rowe on your side, you may receive the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Lastly, if a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you and your family’s interests in court for you. You won’t have to worry about defending yourself against the insurance company’s lawyers. Instead, you will be able to use that mental power to focus on recovering.

Contact a Santa Fe Car Accident Lawyer

At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, we are committed to providing excellent communications. So, to access 24/7 help, call 575-544-4444. You can also use our  LiveChat feature or fill out this FREE online form. Contact us soon, because the New Mexico statute of limitations dictates that you only have three years from the date of your accident to file a claim. The time will pass quickly while you recover, and you don’t want to let the chance of financial compensation slip past. 

We believe in your case so much that we take on all the risk. This is why we do not charge any money upfront. And, there is no fee until you win your case. So don’t hesitate, call a Santa Fe auto accident lawyer today.