Hobbs Personal Injury Lawyers

Have you experienced an injury while driving, shopping, working, or engaging in activities in Hobbs, NM? At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorney, our legal experts are well-acquainted with the numerous personal injury incidents that can take place within the city. Furthermore, given our proximity to Texas, you might be uncertain about your rights as a resident of New Mexico. Our Hobbs personal injury lawyers offer free, no-obligation consultations to help injury victims learn more about your legal options and whether or not you are eligible for financial compensation.

Schedule yours today by calling us at 575-544-4444, filling out this FREE online form, or using our convenient online LiveChat feature.

Hobbs Personal Injury Lawyers

Steps Hobbs Personal Injury Lawyers Take After a Free Consultation

After a free consultation with an injury lawyer, several steps are typically taken to evaluate and potentially pursue a personal injury case. These steps may include:

  1. Gathering Additional Information: if the case appears to have merit, the lawyer may ask for additional details, documents, medical records, accident reports, photographs, and other evidence to build a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
  2. Legal Research: the lawyer conducts research to understand relevant laws, regulations, precedents, and statutes that apply to the specific type of personal injury case.
  3. Determining Liability: the lawyer investigates who may be legally responsible for the injuries, whether it’s an individual, a company, a government entity, or a combination of parties.
  4. Calculating Damages: the lawyer works to assess the potential damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.
  5. Consulting Experts: depending on the complexity of the case, the lawyer may consult medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, or other professionals to strengthen the case.
  6. Communication with Insurance Companies: if applicable, the lawyer communicates with the involved insurance companies, negotiating and advocating for fair compensation.
  7. Exploring Settlement Options: the lawyer discusses potential settlement options with the client, considering the strengths of the case and the client’s preferences.
  8. Drafting Legal Documents: if moving forward, the lawyer prepares legal documents such as demand letters, pleadings, complaints, and other necessary paperwork to initiate the legal process.
  9. Negotiations: the lawyer engages in negotiations with the opposing party to reach a settlement agreement before going to trial.

Free Case Review

In addition to these steps, your dedicated legal team will also help alleviate the emotional burdens that can result from an injury case so that you can focus on your recovery.

Common Types of Hobbs Personal Injury Claims Handled at Lerner and Rowe

At Lerner and Rowe, we handle a variety of Hobbes personal injury claims, such as:

What Causes Hobbs Personal Injuries?

Identifying the causes behind personal injuries in Hobbs, New Mexico is a fundamental role of your attorney. While certain cases are straightforward, others require an intricate inquiry to establish the liability of multiple parties.

Numerous factors can lead to a personal injury in Hobbs. For instance:

  • The staff at the Southwest Symphony may fail to clean up a spill and cause you to slip and fall, resulting in whiplash and a concussion.
  • An exposed wire at the Zia ParkCasino may lead you to trip, resulting in a broken wrist.
  • A trucking company out of Albuquerque may have unrealistic deadlines on their drivers, leading to fatigued driving and a crash that injures your spine.
  • A car speeding down US-62 may fail to check their blindspot and hit you as you ride your motorcycle, leading to catastrophic injuries.

As you can see, there are countless ways that a personal injury can happen in Hobbs. Sometimes these injuries lead to a fatality. If someone else’s negligent or reckless actions caused a fatality, it is known as a wrongful death. 

At Lerner and Rowe, we only practice personal injury and wrongful death law so that you can rely on our experience and knowledge to build you a strong case. That way, if your family does suffer a wrongful death, you can focus on supporting your loved ones and adjusting to a new quality of life while we handle the legal side of things.

Does New Mexico Limit the Time You Have to File a Hobbs Personal Injury Claim?

Yes, New Mexico does have a time limit to filing a Hobbs personal injury claim. This law is called the statute of limitations. The duration of time varies and is based on the jurisdiction, cause, and severity of your injuries. That’s why you would greatly benefit from consulting with a seasoned Hobbs personal injury lawyer to learn more about the exact statute of limitations that applies to your situation.

Why Choose Our Hobbs Personal Injury Lawyers

There’s no need to hesitate when contemplating reaching out to Lerner and Rowe following a personal injury in Hobbs. Here are four reasons to consider:

  • Our attorneys know how to fight aggressive insurance companies that go out of their way to undervalue your claim.
  • We provide excellent communications and are available 24/7.
  • Our legal team is trial ready and gets results! 
  • Bilingual staff member and injury lawyers for ease of access to legal representation.

To take advantage of all this and more, call Lerner and Rowe today.

Contact Our Hobbs Personal Injury Lawyers

To contact the Hobbs personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe, just call 575-544-4444, fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat. We charge no fees until we win your case, so you have nothing to lose. Call today.