Accidents happen and if you’re in an automobile accident, you could be injured. If that happens, you are going to have to deal with your own insurance company and possibly the other driver’s company. Dealing with insurance companies can be nerve-wracking. Simple mistakes could ruin your insurance claim and leave you with a pile of unpaid medical bills and other expenses. Here are some recommended steps our Bullhead City lawyers put together to prevent this from happening to you.
While you are at the scene of the accident get the contact information from:
- The other driver, including their insurance information;
- Any witnesses; and,
- Law enforcement officers who responded to the accident.
If you are able, you should document the accident with photos using your cellphone. Take photos of:
- Visible damage to each vehicle;
- Location of each vehicle; and,
- Also, both vehicle’s license plates.
Having all this information ready can help make it easier when it’s time to contact an insurance company to file your claim.
You can also use the Lerner and Rowe phone app (Apple or Android) to send notes and photos directly to the law firm from an accident scene or after you’ve left the scene. The app will help guide you on which important details you should gather.
Always Be Honest with Your Insurer
Make sure the information you are providing to your insurance company is honest and accurate. It’s easy to make a mistake when feeling stressed from an accident. If you realize you made a mistake with the information you’ve given, make sure to correct the mistake. Don’t lie about your injuries or make them appear worse than they really are. Lying about accident injuries is insurance fraud and it could result in having your claim denied and being charged with fraud.
Maintain Accurate Records
You should keep track of your expenses that you have paid related to your injuries. This includes:
- Receipts for prescriptions;
- Transportation costs if you are unable to drive;
- Money paid for assistance while you are incapacitated; and,
- Income lost while recovering from injuries.
Be Careful About What You Say and Sign
Never agree to provide a record or written statement about your accident and injuries without fully understanding your coverage. You have the right to refuse a recording of your telephone conversations with your insurer.
Additional things that could ruin your car accident claim by saying, not saying or signing a document without legal advice include:
- Admitting fault for the accident;
- Accepting a check saying “final payment;”
- Not responding to requests for additional information or following up with your insurer; and,
- Signing a release or waiver prematurely that provides you with a quick settlement that might not cover all your expenses.
Why You Should Hire our Bullhead City Lawyers
When dealing with insurance companies, you need to remember they are not always looking out for your best interests because they are in the business of making money. When your insurance hasn’t held up their end of the bargain, our team of Bullhead City lawyers can help you receive what you deserve.
The car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe are available 24 hours a day, not just 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to deal with questions you might have about your car accident claim. Contact us at 928-222-2222 or online through our LiveChat to arrange your free consultation. The call is free and you pay no fees unless you win!