Should I Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

People often question whether the assistance of a lawyer is necessary following an auto accident. The assistance of a skilled and hardworking car accident attorney in Las Vegas can make the difference between a massive payday and little-to-no compensation following this horrible event. An attorney will do more than review the facts of your case […]

Tucson Medical Negligence Attorneys Near Me

Medical professionals should not be able to get away with making errors simply because they have multiple college degrees and high standing in the community. These professionals are certainly well-educated and hold a relative status, yet they make mistakes just like everyone else. Some doctors and surgeons can be flat-out careless when treating and operating […]

Safety Advice for Driving at Night in Las Vegas

An auto accident attorney can help you resolve many of the issues you may experience if you are involved in an accident that occurs after dark. At night, your visibility decreases and you are more likely to be involved in an accident. This is simply because there are more hindrances to overcome than there are […]

7 Deadliest Cities to Drive In

A majority of traffic accidents stem from driver error, but driving under the influence, distracted driving, and failure to wear a seat belt were all common denominators in fatal crashes across the nation in 2016. A city’s population, number of licensed drivers and registered vehicles, and changes in traffic volume can also affect the amount […]

The Dangers of Driving Drowsy

People often drive tired, but they really should not. A Yuma car crash lawyer sees cases caused by drowsy driving all the time, and even the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has warned against operating a car while tired. Sometimes it can feel like getting where you need to go is crucial, but your safety […]

Kevin Rowe Joins Military Assistance Mission’s (MAM) Board of Directors

Supporting Our Troops via Military Assistance Mission The law offices of Lerner and Rowe are pleased to announce that attorney Kevin Rowe has joined the board of Military Assistance Mission (MAM). “MAM is a wonderful organization that provides much needed resources for active military, veterans and their families. I am honor to be involved,“ Rowe […]

What is the Burden of Proof in a Personal Injury Suit?

In order to win a personal injury suit, the plaintiff’s legal team must meet the burden of proof. This is a legal term that requires the plaintiff’s attorney to convince a judge or jury to believe something beyond a certain level of doubt. If the burden of proof is not met, the defendant is determined […]

Deadly Roads and Which Cities to Be Extra Cautious In

Living in or near a city offers a lot of benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. One downside to being in a city is that there are far more people, which means there will be a lot more traffic. It also means drivers are at a higher risk of getting into an accident. Finding […]

Children First Foundation 6th Annual Gala and Auction Event

Scottsdale, AZ- Lerner and Rowe would like to announce their sponsorship of the Children First Foundation 6th Annual Gala and Auction Event. This gala will take place on Saturday, October 20,2018 at the Camelback Golf Club. This year’s theme is “It Takes OUR Village” which aligns with the belief that indeed it takes a village […]