What Does Negligence Mean in Personal Injury Law?

If you’ve suffered a personal injury, you may be the victim of someone else’s negligence. But what is negligence? How does negligence affect your case? How do you prove negligence in a personal injury lawsuit? Here are some of the basics of personal injury law from our attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys. The […]

Rush Hour Safety Tips from our Las Vegas Car Accident Attorney

Rush hour can be one of the most stressful times of the workweek. Morning rush hours see people in a hurry to make it to work on time, and the evening rush hour is filled with fatigued drivers who are anxious to get off the roads and forget the stress of their workday. It’s easy […]

Too Many Choices: How to Choose a Good Personal Injury Attorney

All law can be intimidating. Different rules, regulations, and changes from state to state can certainly cause a lot of anxiety. Do you fully understand all the laws in your state? Probably not- and that is understandable. Furthermore, all lawyers are not the same. You may have noticed that some lawyers advertise “bankruptcy” or “divorce” […]

Different Ways to Avoid Reckless Driving in Chicago during Holiday Season

Over 107 million Americans travel during from Dec. 23 through Jan.1, the height of the holidays. So, how do you ensure your safety on the road from reckless drivers this holiday season in Chicago? First of all, Illinois defines reckless driving as driving with a wanton disregard for the safety of others. Driving recklessly may […]

Common Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries in both the workplace, and on public streets and walkways. Our slip and fall attorneys specialize in helping you get the compensation you need when an accident occurs. A simple misstep can prevent you from working and keep you from enjoying time […]

Should I Seek Medical Attention After A Car Accident this Holiday Season?

After an accident on the road this holiday, you may wonder if you should seek medical attention. The short answer is YES! Even the smallest of accidents may cause injuries. Sometimes, these injuries don’t show themselves for a day or more. Many people believe that if they feel just fine immediately after the incident, they […]

Reckless Driving and You

Reckless driving, also known as careless or dangerous driving, is a serious charge and should not be taken lightly. If you drive in a reckless manner and have a willful disregard for others you share the road with, you will be charged. Reckless driving charges carry stiff penalties and can result in the loss of […]

Facts & Statistics About Slip & Fall Accidents in Yuma

If you have ever accidentally tripped or slipped and fallen, you might have gotten right up, shook it off and looked around really quick to see if someone was watching. In a best case scenario, hopefully all that was injured was your pride. However, not all slip and fall accidents are that simple. According to the […]

How to Keep Your Drunk Family off the Road after a Holiday Dinner

Most adults may down at least one alcoholic drink on holiday evenings and get-togethers. Even if you do not imbibe this holiday, there is a chance someone in your family could have a couple drinks. Your challenge will be keeping this drunk family member off the road. If you or a loved one are in […]