For Las Vegas visitors and locals, New Year’s Eve is one of the most exciting times of the year. However, it’s also one of the most common holidays for personal injury. The personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys hope that you have an amazing celebration—one that’s safe and sound, thanks to New Year’s safety. With that in mind, our team has put together a collection of New Year’s safety tips so that you and your family are as safe as possible while ringing in 2021.
Drink Responsibly
Many people drink during their New Year’s Eve celebration, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, drinking irresponsibly and excessively can lead to serious personal injury. It doesn’t matter if you’re behind the wheel or in your home, drinking too much can lead to traumatic situations. New Year’s safety means not drinking to the point where you’ll harm yourself or cause a Las Vegas traffic accident. You should have fun, but not at the expense of your safety and the safety of those around you.
Designate a Driver
If you want to adhere to the rules of New Year’s safety then you should not drive yourself if you plan on drinking. Instead, have a designated driver. Have one of your friends take you where you need to go, or take a Lyft, Uber, taxi, or public transportation.
If you have a friend or a family member who will be out on New Year’s Eve, check in on them periodically to make sure that they’re ok. If you are an eligible driver, you should volunteer to pick them up if they get too drunk to drive themselves. Check out our drunk driving prevention blog for more advice on New Year’s safety.
Stay in Control
If you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it can be quite easy to feel disoriented and lose control. This is especially true if you’re at a party or other crowded event. If you are ever in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or out of control, leave immediately and seek help.
You should stop consuming any alcohol you may have been drinking or other substances you’ve been ingesting. Try to find the company of someone who can offer you refuge. If you can, find someplace with a door you can lock. If you are having a medical emergency, you should call 911 right away.
Know Prohibited Items
New Year’s safety starts with knowing the rules. This includes what items you can and can’t have during the holiday. Consumer fireworks during New Year’s Eve are illegal in Nevada, with a few exceptions. Civilians found possessing or using fireworks can be charged with a misdemeanor. However, if someone is injured, the charges can become far more severe.
The Las Vegas Strip and Downtown Las Vegas have additional restrictions during New Year’s Eve. Between 6:00 p.m. New Year’s Eve and 6:00 a.m. New Year’s Day, the following items are prohibited:
- Large bags, computer bags, camera bags, or any bag larger than 12″ x 6″ x12″ (exclusive of handles)
- Glass bottles and Containers
- Coolers
- Briefcases
- Backpacks
- Fanny packs
- Cinch bags
- Luggage of any kind
- Strollers, carts, or any vehicle propelled by humans, electricity, or mechanical means (unless a permit specifically authorizes the use of such item)
Know Where Your Valuables Are
You should leave your valuables at home if you plan on going out this New Year’s Eve. If you must bring your valuables, however, keep them with you, since New Year’s Eve is a very popular time for car thefts. If you will be drinking, store your valuables somewhere secure, like in the safe of your hotel room.
Mind Your Children
You should know where your children are at all times whether they are at friends, a sitter’s, or with you at a party. If you do plan on going out to the Strip, we strongly encourage you not to bring your children. The Strip can be unsafe for children during New Year’s Eve. Instead, you should have a friend or babysitter watch your children while you’re out. You should also check in regularly with whoever is watching your child to make sure everything is ok.
Mind Your Pets
Don’t forget about your pets on New Year’s Eve. Even though fireworks are illegal in Nevada during the holiday, your neighbors might use them. If this happens, you should make sure that your pets are comfortable.
Pets getting scared is a huge concern on New Year’s Eve, as they can cause damage to people or to your property if they act out. Because of this, you or someone you trust should stay with your pets and watch them or drop them off at a pet hotel for the night. Keeping your pets calm might seem trivial, but it is an integral part of New Year’s safety.
Plan Ahead of Time
You must plan ahead of time on New Year’s Eve, especially if you’re going out. If you’re going to the Strip, be aware! Street closures happen early, so you should show up no later than 4:00 p.m. The Strip usually closes at about 5:00 p.m., with surrounding streets closing off a bit later. This year, the Strip will be closed from Spring Mountain Road to Russell Road. In previous years, it was closed from Sahara Avenue to Russell Road.
Normally, the Fremont Street area is closed to vehicular traffic as well. However, this year’s New Year’s Eve celebration has been canceled due to rising COVID-19 cases.
Dress Appropriately
Dressing appropriately is another core New Year’s safety tip. Make sure you check the weather before you go out. The temperatures in Las Vegas can get below 30 degrees Fahrenheit around this time of year, so dressing warmly is an absolute must. You don’t want your New Year’s celebration to end with pneumonia.
Secure Your Home
If you’re staying indoors this New Year’s Eve, make sure that your home is secure. Locking all doors and closing all windows are keys to New Year’s safety. In addition, lock all gates and fences. Again, regularly check on your children and pets, and make sure everyone in your home is accounted for, safe, and secure for the night.
Please Practice New Year’s Safety
Lerner and Rowe hopes that you and your loved ones enjoy the holiday while practicing strong New Year’s safety. However, there are times an accident will happen no matter how safe you’re being. Please know that our team is available 24/7 to assist you, even on holidays.
If you suffer from a personal injury on New Year’s Eve, you may qualify for compensation. Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys today to have all your questions answered. You can call us 24/7 at 844-977-1900, or contact us online and utilize our LiveChat feature. Consultations are absolutely free. We do not collect any fees unless we win your case, so don’t wait! Contact Lerner and Rowe today.