5 Facts About Spinal Cord Injuries

Chicago spinal cord injury

A back injury can change your life in an instant. Whether sustained in a motorcycle accident, pedestrian accident, or at work, a Chicago spinal cord injury can put your entire life on hold. When it comes to physical, mental, and financial recovery, the more you know about these types of injuries, the better. That’s why the Chicago spinal cord injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe have put together this list of five crucial facts about spinal cord injuries.

#1: Most Spinal Injuries Are Caused by Car Accidents

The leading cause of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are car accidents, with more than 39% of all back injuries occurring due to a motor vehicle collision, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC). An additional 30% of spinal injuries are caused by slip and falls. The remaining spinal injuries are usually caused by interpersonal violence, sports, and surgical or medical errors.

#2: Average Rehabilitation Treatment for a Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Is 31 Days

For those diagnosed with a SCI, the average hospitalization time is about 11 days, while the average time spent in a rehabilitation center is up to 31 days. For many accident victims, this means more than a month on average of missed work, lost wages, and mounting medical bills. In addition, 30% of those diagnosed with common spinal cord injuries have to be re-hospitalized in the years following the initial injury, resulting in an average of another 18 days in the hospital.

#3: Spinal Cord Injury Victims Are Prone to Complications

One study on the economic impact of traumatic spinal cord injuries (TSCIs) in the U.S. found that serious complications are relatively common in patients who have sustained spinal cord injuries. Urinary tract infections, pneumonia-related sepsis, and pressure ulcers can be recurring and may sometimes lead to death.

Unfortunately, these complications can be more than just physical. The same study found that 27.5% of TSCI victims sought out treatment for depression following their injuries.

#4: Only 35% of Those with SCIs Return to Work

The severity of a Chicago spinal cord injury may vary significantly from person to person. Some may make a full recovery with few lingering symptoms while others may become permanently disabled. 

Overall, data in the aforementioned study indicates that just 35% of those who sustain SCIs return to their jobs. Another 25% file for bankruptcy within 5 years of their back injury.

#5: Negligence May Be Responsible for Your Spinal Injury

While some spinal cord injuries are a result of random accidents that are blameless, others are caused by the actions or inactions of another party. If you or a loved one suffered a Chicago spinal cord injury in an accident for which someone else was at fault, you may be eligible for compensation. Damages awarded to victims can range from medical bills to lost wages, not to mention pain and suffering.

Contact a Top Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Today

To find out if your injury can be attributed to negligence and to schedule your free consultation with a top Chicago spinal cord injury attorney, contact Lerner and Rowe. You can get in touch with us by calling 844-977-1900, using our LiveChat service, or by submitting the details of your case through our contact form.