A collision with a semi can be traumatizing. If an accident does occur, it is important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself both at the scene of the accident and in the days that follow. Hiring a reputable Chicago truck accident lawyer is extremely beneficial. The right attorney will have experience dealing with these types of cases. They will be able to meet any needed deadlines for filing with the courts if a lawsuit is necessary. Your rights deserve protection. You should do everything in your power to get the compensation you need to take care of your injuries.
Vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, as do the driving abilities of those behind the wheel. However, there is one common denominator among all traffic accidents that occur in Illinois – negligent and reckless drivers can cause catastrophic injuries. This was definitely the case when an Illinois State Trooper was tragically struck and killed during a truck inspection when a semi-truck heading westbound on US Route 20 collided with her squad car and the other parked semi-truck on March 28, 2019.
In this instance, the at-fault semi-truck driver was found negligent of operating while fatigued and guilty of two counts of reckless homicide. So, what can you do if you find yourself involved in a less severe semi-truck accident in Illinois?
7 Steps to Take At the Scene of a Semi-truck Accident

Depending on the severity of the semi-truck accident you find yourself in, you may or may not be able to complete the following seven steps. However, if you are able to move without causing further injury, please keep these suggestions in mind. They could help provide further validity in proving fault and negligence when you file a personal injury claim with a reputable Chicago truck accident lawyer.
Seven steps you should take at the scene of a semi-truck accident include:
- Check for injuries and call 9-1-1 for immediate medical care for those in need of critical attention. (For less severe injuries, seek medical attention after law enforcement arrives and releases those involved in the accident.)
- If possible, secure the scene by moving vehicles to the side of the road.
- Take photographs of the vehicles involved, the semi, and the accident scene.
- Write down as much as you can remember about the accident.
- Collect as much information from the semi driver as possible.
- Get the name and phone number of any witnesses of the semi-truck accident.
- Ask if you can take pictures of any permits the driver has pertaining to this specific load.
In addition to the seven steps, hiring a personal injury attorney should be one of the first things you do when you get home from the hospital or the scene of the accident. Why? By contacting a Chicago truck accident lawyer, you give yourself a better chance at collecting the highest possible compensation amount for your injuries and other damages.
Types of Semi-Truck Accident Injuries
Any type of auto accident can result in a variety of injuries. An accident with a semi is no different, except that the size of a semi often results in more severe harm. For instance, coming in contact with a semi-truck is equal to hitting a brick wall, and the severity of your injuries will depend on just how hard the impact is. Common injuries that can result from a collision with a semi-truck include:
- Whiplash
- Broken bones
- Loss of limb
- Lacerations and contusions
- Internal bleeding and injuries
- Burn injuries
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
If you’ve been involved in a collision with a semi-trailer, we suggest you go to an emergency room for a medical evaluation. While you may feel “fine” immediately following the accident, the adrenaline may be masking the presence of injuries.
That adrenaline could wear off in a day or two and your body will then begin to experience the aftereffects of the collision. By getting checked out at the emergency room, you help ensure that you don’t have any hidden injuries that will creep up on you later.
Additionally, receiving medical attention soon after the accident makes it possible to receive much-needed treatment. Yes, your doctor may advise you to take time off from work for a few days so that your body has a chance to rest. However, this will allow your body to get a jump start on the healing process and may actually shorten your recovery time.
Plus, an experienced attorney will know how to help ensure you are compensated for any lost time at work.
Hurt by a Semi? Our Chicago Truck Accident Lawyer Will Fight for You
If you’ve been involved in a collision with a semi-trailer, we suggest that you always take the opportunity to go to the emergency room. While you may feel fine immediately following the accident, the adrenaline may be masking the presence of injuries. That adrenaline could wear off in a day or two and your body will begin to experience the aftereffects of the collision. Get checked out at the emergency room to make sure you don’t have any hidden injuries that will creep up on you later.
The right local attorney will have the experience, skill, and ability to successfully handle a semi-truck accident case in Chicago. Furthermore, they will be able to meet any needed deadlines for filing with the courts if a lawsuit is necessary.
At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, our legal team understands the importance of following through on all of the required legal steps to ensure your rights are protected.
If you have been in a collision involving a semi-trailer, you need to hire a Chicago truck accident lawyer who has the skills and knowledge to take on your case. Contact us day or night for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by making that one call!