• Accident Causes

    Buffalo Grove Creates St. Patrick’s Day Safety Campaign

    Buffalo Grove (March 5, 2024) – The Buffalo Grove Police Department is initiating a focused traffic safety campaign this week to extend through St. Patrick’s Day. The goal of this campaign is to remind drivers of the dangers of drunk driving and maintain safety throughout the community.

    The Chicagoland car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe wish everyone a very happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day this year. If you’ve been injured in an accident because of a drunk driver, contact us today for a free case evaluation. Source: Lake County Gazette

    IDOT Crews to Patch Potholes on I-80

    Chicago (February 6, 2024) – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) announced on Tuesday that it would begin to patch potholes in both directions of a portion of I-80 on Wednesday, weather permitting. Brief lane closures are expected, and some drivers may want to find other safe routes to work.

    IDOT asks that drivers who encounter potholes on a state highway or interstate report them by dialing 800-452-4368. The Chicago car accident lawyers at Lerner and Rowe encourage all motorists to drive safely in work zones. If you’ve been injured in a crash caused by a pothole, get in touch for your free case evaluation. Source: WGN9

    Chicago Outdoor Dining Program Could Cause Accidents

    Chicago (August 7, 2023) – The Chicago Outdoor Dining Program is a collaboration organized by the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP), the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), and local restaurants. It gives restaurants an opportunity to do more business and Chicagoans a way to enjoy excellent food in great weather. Unfortunately, it can also lead to additional bicycle accidents and pedestrian accidents.

    The Chicago Outdoor Dining Program allows for pop-up sidewalk seating, curb lane closures, and full street closures. This can disrupt travel plans for many Chicago bicyclists and pedestrians. The outdoor seating may block their normal paths and cause them to take unfamiliar routes, leading to crashes. Should you get into an accident caused by outdoor dining arrangements, call our Chicago injury lawyers immediately. Source: Chicago.gov

    Limited Visibility Due to Wildfires

    Statewide (June 28, 2023) – The National Weather Service (NWS) has reported that Illinois air quality has been classified as “very unhealthy” due to smoke drifting in from the Canadian wildfires. In addition to risking sickness caused by smoke inhalation, dense wildfire smoke can limit visibility, which can lead to car accidents.

    Lerner and Rowe urges you to avoid non-essential driving while the wildfire smoke hovers over our state. Should you get into a car accident caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party then contact our Chicago injury lawyers to explore your legal options. Source: NWS

    April Is Distracted Driving Month

    Statewide (April 3, 2023) – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has cited distracted driving as one of two major concerns in regards to car accidents that lead to “crash fatalities and serious injuries.” Since April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys wanted to make sure that you and the drivers in your household understand the causes of distracted driving in Chicago.

    Please share the information above with your friends and family. By staying informed and understanding how to avoid distracted driving, we can make Chicago safer for everyone. Should you get injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, please contact our Chicago injury attorneys for immediate assistance. Source: IDOT

    Be Prepared For Later-Winter Storms

    Chicago (March 24, 2023) – Although it’s spring on our calendars, winter weather still remains in Chicago. The National Weather Service (NWS) warns Chicagoans to expect a storm this weekend. The forecast calls for heavy rain, snow, and winds as high as 35 mph. These elements combine to increase your chances of a car accident.

    Lerner and Rowe reminds you to follow our Chicago winter driving guide. If possible, try not to drive until the storm has passed. Should you get into an accident caused by another party, please contact us for immediate assistance. Source: NWS

    Snow Hits Chicago Early

    Chicago (October 18, 2022) – Snow has arrived in Chicago earlier than expected, with frosty precipitation landing on October 17. Slick road conditions caused by snow are one of the leading causes of Chicago car accidents. To make sure you and the drivers in your family stay safe during snowy weather, be sure to get your car ready for the winter.

    Lerner and Rowe urges you to study our winter driving safety tips before the snow arrives in full force. A little bit of preparation now can help you stay through the season. If you or someone in your family are injured in an accident due to recklessness during the winter, then contact us for immediate legal assistance. Source: 5Chicago

    IDOT is Planning For Winter Now

    Statewide (September 16, 2022) – Although there are a few more days of summer left, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is already planning for winter. The organization is looking to hire qualified individuals to help with snow and ice removal. IDOT hopes to have enough “snowbird” workers to increase winter driving safety for all Illinois residents.

    As a friendly reminder, Lerner and Rowe reminds you to make sure that your car is ready for winter. Book an appointment now to winterize your car in late November or early December. One of the best ways to avoid a winter car accident is by being prepared for the ice and snow. Source: IDOT

    CPS School Year Starts August 22

    Chicago (August 5, 2022) – The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) school year begins on August 22, 2022. The CPS system has 649 schools that serve more than 340,000 students. As motorists get used to sharing the road with school buses and students, the chances of bicycle accidents, bus accidents, and pedestrian accidents are higher.

    Lerner and Rowe reminds you to drive carefully and slowly in school zones. Be especially mindful of your driving habits during the first few weeks of school as you get used to driving around students. Please follow this guide on how to avoid Chicago school accidents and share it with your friends to maximize everyone’s safety. Source: CPS

    IDOT Issues Flood Warning

    Statewide (July 26, 2022) – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has encouraged Illinois drivers to “turn around don’t drown” in light of heavy rains. Precipitation has been particularly high in Illinois District 8 and has raised the chances of a car accident. IDOT claims that 6 inches of water is enough to knock over a person, while 12 inches is enough to carry away a car.

    Lerner and Rowe echoes IDOT’s advice and urges you to stay home during heavy rain. If you need to go out to pick up a family member or in case of an emergency, please follow our Chicago flood driving safety tips. If you get into a flood-related accident, our team is available to help you 24/7. Source: IDOT

  • Accident Statistics

    Cook County Traffic Fatalities down from Last Year

    Chicagoland (March 13, 2024) – According to data from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), traffic fatalities in Chicagoland and greater Cook County are down compared to the same time last year. Traffic fatalities last year sat at 399, while they’re now at 380.

    The Chicagoland car accident attorneys at Lerner and Rowe celebrate this reduction and hope for even lower figures come this time next year. If you’ve been hurt in an accident because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, reach out today for your free case evaluation. Source: IDOT

    Traffic Fatalities Down 44%

    Statewide (February 14, 2024) – According to recent data from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), traffic fatalities in Illinois are down 44% compared to this time last year. Traffic deaths currently stand at 79, while the number this time in 2023 was 141 fatalities.

    IDOT states that this data is provisional and is based on information submitted to IDOT for fatal motor vehicle related crashes occurring on all Illinois public roadways. Lerner and Rowe’s Chicago car accident lawyers remind drivers to drive safely and free of all distractions. If you or a loved one were hurt in a car accident caused by someone else’s recklessness or negligence, contact us for a free consultation. Source: IDOT

    Crash Fatalities Rising

    Statewide (12/22/23) – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) recently reported that as of 12/14/23, 1,213 lost their lives in crashes, 11 more fatalities than were reported at the same time the year prior. This coincides with the agency’s annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign throughout the state designed to cut down on car accident fatalities.

    With severe cold and icy conditions continuing throughout the state, Lerner and Rowe urges you to stay safe on the road and follow these Chicago Winter Driving Safety Tips. If you or a loved one end up injured on the road, please contact one of our Chicago personal injury lawyers to get the help you need. Source: IDOT

    Illinois Traffic Fatalities Down

    Statewide (October 25, 2023) – In a recent press release, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) claimed that as of Oct. 16, 2023, 991 people have died on Illinois roads, 12 fewer than on the same date one year ago. The agency also reminds people to drive sober on Halloween, in order to prevent car accident deaths and injuries.

    The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe support IDOT’s message and urge you to find alternate forms of transportation if your Halloween involves drinking or recreational drugs. If you’re injured by a drunk driver in Chicago on Halloween or any other day of the year, please contact us for immediate legal assistance. Source: IDOT

    Chicago Car Accidents Shockingly Common

    Chicago (June 5, 2023) – A report from the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) stated that “five people in Chicago are seriously injured in a traffic crash every day” and “someone dies in a traffic crash in Chicago every three days.”

    With Chicago car crashes so common, Lerner and Rowe urges you to follow these summer driving safety tips to keep everyone in your car safe. Should you get into an accident caused by another party then contact our Chicago injury lawyers for immediate assistance. Source: CDOT

    Bicycle Accidents on the Rise

    Statewide (May 3, 2023) – According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 30 Illinois bicycle accident deaths in 2020, which accounted for 2.5% of the state’s fatalities. While preliminary data shows that number decreasing for the next two years, it is assumed that the overall number of traffic deaths was down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    With car, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic back to pre-pandemic levels, the potential for a bike accident is higher than it has been in years. Lerner and Rowe reminds motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists to drive carefully and be courteous to everyone you share the road with. By working together, we can keep the number of traffic fatalities as low as possible. Source: NHTSA

    19% of 2023 Traffic Fatalities Were Pedestrians

    Statewide (April 28, 2023) – According to the most recent statistics from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), 60 pedestrians died in traffic fatalities in 2023. Pedestrians account for 19% of this year’s deaths caused by car crashes in Illinois.

    The 60 pedestrian wrongful deaths are the highest number of fatalities that do not include people in passenger vehicles. That’s more than double the next-highest category (semi-truck drivers) and more than triple the third-highest category (motorcyclists). Source: IDOT

    Car Crash Fatalities Down 13%

    Statewide (March 30, 2023) – The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has projected 13% fewer car accident fatalities in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same time period last year. There have been 233 car accident deaths this year, compared to 269 in the first three months of 2022.

    The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe hope that this trend continues. Whether you’re driving in Chicago or other parts of the state, our team hopes that your Illinois travels are safe and sound. Should you get into a car accident, please contact us for immediate assistance. Source: IDOT

    Pedestrian Fatalities Reach Alarming Level

    Statewide (February 15, 2023) – The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) reported 7,485 pedestrian accident fatalities in 2021. This is an 11.5% increase over 2020 pedestrian deaths and the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in four decades.

    Although Chicago is one of the most walkable cities in America, the large number of pedestrians combined with the large number of drivers means a potentially higher number of car accidents involving walkers. Lerner and Rowe urges drivers to be mindful of pedestrian activity, particularly while driving near and through Chicago’s busy intersections. Souce: GHSA

    Illinois Traffic Fatalities Up 24.4%

    Statewide (August 17, 2021) – Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that Illinois traffic deaths were up 24.4% in Q1 2022 compared to the first three months of 2021. This is much higher than the national average of a 7% increase, which is the same increase regionally. Illinois is part of NHTSA Region 5, which also includes Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio and Wisconsin.

    Lerner and Rowe is alarmed by the sharp increase in Illinois car accident deaths. Please make sure that you and the drivers in your household drive safely. Be especially cautious during difficult conditions, such as during flash floods and the winter months. The more people that practice safe driving, the fewer traffic deaths there will be. Source: NHTSA

  • News

    Chicago Firefighters Battle Extra-Alarm Fire

    Chicago (March 21, 2024) – Over 150 Chicago firefighters responded to a three-alarm fire in a furniture business in the Back of the Yards neighborhood late Wednesday. The fire was put out Thursday morning, and no injuries have yet been reported.

    As a reminder, if you or a loved one has been hurt in a fire through someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior, the Chicago burn injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe are here to help. Reach out today for your free case evaluation. Source: ABC7

    Chicago Fire Department Battles Apartment Fire in Lakeview

    Chicago (February 20, 2024) – The Chicago Fire Department responded to a large apartment fire in the city’s Lakeview neighborhood Tuesday evening. Officials from the CFD confirm that the fire started on the back porches of a three-story building on Wellington Ave. near Broadway.

    CFD was able to douse the flames after attacking the fire from both inside and outside the building. Thankfully, no injuries were reported. The burn injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe offer their condolences to the families affected by this fire. If you’ve been injured in a fire due to someone else’s recklessness or negligence, reach out to us for a free case review. Source: ABC7

    Overnight Freeze Leads to Spinouts and Crashes

    Chicago (January 23, 2024) – Freezing rain and icy conditions throughout the Chicagoland area have caused a spike in spinouts and crashes. Rain continues to fall well into Wednesday, with temperatures hovering at or just above freezing. Roadways in the southern part of the area suffered especially poor conditions, with spinouts in Monee and Matteson reported.

    The frigid conditions led to over 150 cancellations at O’Hare, along with delays of up to 40 minutes for those flights not canceled. The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe encourage all drivers to follow Chicago Winter Driving Safety Tips and reach out for a free case evaluation if you’ve been injured in a crash. Source: ABC7

    New Round of Free COVID-19 Tests Available

    Statewide (September 25, 2023) – A new round of COVID-19 tests has been released from the United States government stockpile. Each U.S. household can sign up to receive one kit, which contains four individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests. Additional information has been posted on Covid.gov and an ordering form has been posted on the USPS website. New test kits will begin shipping the week of October 2, 2023.

    While COVID-19 is no longer classified as a federal emergency, hospitalizations have been rising recently due to the Eris (EG.5) variant. This trend may continue should new variants form throughout the winter months. The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe urge you to procure these free tests to help you and your family detect if you’ve been exposed and should seek medical advice. Source: Covid.gov

    Chicago Pools Open on June 23

    Chicago (June 15, 2023) – The Chicago Parks District (CPD) has announced that swimming pools in public parks will open on June 23, 2023. This is fantastic news for Chicagoans looking to cool down from the summer heat. However, please be aware that your chances of injuries due to swimming pool accidents and slip and fall accidents will increase if you use a pool.

    The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe encourage you to take advantage of the city’s wonderful pools. Should you suffer a pool injury caused by another party then contact us for immediate assistance. Source: CPD

    Safer Intersection May Come to Chicago

    Statewide (May 12, 2023) – Illinois State Bill 2278 has passed both chambers of congress and is ready for Governor J.B. Pritzker to sign into law. The new law would allow cities to build intersections that are safer for bicyclists and pedestrians. The current law requires intersections to accommodate the turning of a 65-foot truck, which can interfere with safety features.

    The Chicago injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe are thrilled that SB2278 is on the verge of becoming law. Should Governor Pritzker sign the bill, our team hopes that the city of Chicago takes advantage of it in order to make intersections safer for everyone. Source: ILGA

    CDOT Installing Concrete Bike Lane Dividers

    Chicago (April 24, 2023) – The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be installing concrete dividers along the bicycle lanes on South Loomis Boulevard from West 71st Street to West 76th Street. The dividers will help lower bicycle accidents by creating a physical barrier between the bike lane and the street. A study from Chicago’s Active Transportation Alliance (CATA) reported 2,816 annual bike crashes, 2,635 injuries, and 13 deaths in 2016.

    Lerner and Rowe applauds the city’s efforts to reduce Chicago bike accidents. The concrete dividers should go a long way towards reducing Chicago bicycle accidents that result in injury and wrongful death. Should you get into a bike accident caused by another party, please contact us for immediate assistance.

    Source: CDOT

    Two Dead in Will County Car Crash

    Will County (March 8, 2023) – Two people died in a car accident in Will County, southwest of Chicago, on Tuesday March 7. The car crash involved a pickup truck colliding head on with a passenger vehicle. The accident took place south of Wilmington on Route 113 near Bauer Road.

    The two occupants of the pickup truck were pronounced dead at the scene, while the person in the passenger vehicle went to the hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys sends its condolence to the families of the accident victims. Source: ABC7

    CDOT Installing Bike Lane Curbs

    Chicago (August 15, 2022) – The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) has installed new “concrete curb protection” along the Kinzie Street bike lane. The concrete curb adds a physical separation between the bike lane and adjacent car lane, which should reduce the number of bicycle accidents.

    Lerner and Rowe is thrilled by CDOT’s continual safety improvements and is excited to see more concrete curb protection throughout Chicago. While the new safety measures will certainly lower Chicago bike accidents, no system is perfect. If you or a loved one were injured in a bike accident caused by another party then contact our Chicago injury attorneys immediately.

    Source: CDOT

    Coal City Driver Claims $12K Work Zone Accident

    Coal City (July 28, 2022) – A local driver filed a $12,000 insurance claim for a construction zone accident on I-57 near Coal City. The driver claims that “a huge chunk of road was in the middle of the one-lane highway” and that the construction crew’s negligence caused him to hit the chunk of road.

    Lerner and Rowe reminds you that work zone activity increases during the summer months. Please exercise caution when driving near or through a work zone in order to avoid a car accident. Should you get into an accident caused by negligent or reckless behavior then contact us immediately. Source: ABC7