Seemingly constant road construction, distracted tourists, and heavy traffic can make Las Vegas and Reno roads dangerous for drivers of all experience levels. For example, there were 309 fatal crashes in 2020. Of those, there were 333 crash-related fatalities. Conversely, nationwide traffic-related deaths in the U.S. reached 35,766 in 2020. With those numbers in mind, you may now wonder what are your odds of dying in a car crash.
Additionally, do the chances of dying from a motor vehicle crash outweigh the chances of injury via other modes of transportation? Plus, what should you do if you get in a car crash in Las Vegas or Reno?
All these questions and more are answered below, along with even more local car accident statistics that you need to know.
Odds for Dying in a Car Crash and More
The National Safety Council (NSA), a leading American nonprofit organization that tracks injury and death statistics, cites that your chances of dying in a car crash are quite high. In fact, as of 2021, the odds of dying in:
- Motor vehicle accidents are 1 in 93.
- Pedestrian accidents are 1 in 485.
- Motorcyclist accidents are 1 in 747.
- Bicycle accidents are 1 in 3,546.
When it comes to car crash deaths compared to other causes of death, the following is more likely to occur:
- A fall, with a 1 in 98 chance.
- Opioid overdose (accidental), with a 1 in 58 chance.
- Cancer, which has a 1 in 7 chance.
- Heart disease, with a 1 in 6 chance.
In Nevada, the leading cause of death is also heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). However, the fourth-highest cause of death is accidents, which includes car wrecks.
When your day to day commute takes you down I-15 or US 395, or through a crammed city intersection, it’s easy for road dangers to seem commonplace. However, to help avoid becoming a statistic, you should follow safe driving practices. And, if an accident does occur, make sure to call the Las Vegas car crash attorneys or the Reno auto collision lawyer at Lerner and Rowe.
Common Types of Car Accidents
There are many different types of car accidents that may increase your odds of dying in a car crash. Some types of car accidents have a higher risk of death. For instance, angled collisions caused the most deaths in 2021 with about 9,000 fatalities. Angled collisions often strike the side of a vehicle, missing the forward and back “crunch zones.” This leads to an increased risk of causing much bodily harm.
In 2021 head-on collisions caused the second most deaths at about 5,900 fatalities. This is not surprising, as head-on collisions often involve two vehicles striking each other at high speeds.
Additionally, rear-end collisions caused about 3,600 deaths. Sideswipes and other varying kinds of two vehicle collisions combined to 1,600 more fatalities.
Many of these fatalities could have been avoided if safety procedures had been followed, or if drivers had not acted recklessly. The cause of an accident, if proven, may determine that those liable must compensate for the victim’s newfound financial and emotional burdens.
Proving the cause of an accident can be difficult, so make sure you have an experienced Las Vegas car accident attorney or Reno car crash lawyer on your side. Especially, since insurance companies may not offer the best recovery amount. Or, they may try to deny an auto accident injury claim altogether.
Common Causes of Death in Car Accidents
Car accidents are complex events where a million things seem to happen in an instant, and sometimes at high speeds. Therefore, there are many different common causes of death from car accidents.
- Speeding was a major factor in 29% of fatal crashes in 2021. That averages out to about 33 people per day. This happens because a vehicle becomes more difficult to handle the faster it travels. Also, it is more likely that serious injury or death will occur if excessive force is suddenly exerted upon another object. This is why it is so important to follow speed limits and to constantly adapt to traffic conditions.
- Seat belt usage, or lack thereof, contributes to vehicular deaths as well. They are designed to hold bodies in place during a crash, and keep them from being thrown from the vehicle. It’s common knowledge that seatbelts save thousands of lives each year. From 1975 to 2017, it’s estimated that 374,196 lives were saved by seat belts.
- Distracted driving killed 3,142 people in 2020. If a driver looks away from the road for only a few seconds, they may miss many things on the road. Changing traffic conditions, a pedestrian or animal entering the roadway, and more can all cause fatal accidents.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol was a factor in 48% of traffic deaths in 1982. Thanks to successful “Don’t Drink and Drive” campaigns, as well as a crackdown on following new and improved alcohol laws, this number has dramatically decreased to 31% of traffic deaths in 2021.
- Reckless driving and road rage can lead to fatalities, too. If you notice a driver on Nevada roads acting erratically, give them as much space as possible and proceed as far away from them as you can. It helps to take down their license plate number if you can safely do so.
- Poor weather conditions may increase your odds of dying in a car crash. If roads are icy, or visibility is low due to heavy rain, it may become easy for drivers to lose control. Then, the car may slide into oncoming traffic, spin out, or hit something in the road they could not see.
While these are the main contributors to traffic fatalities on US roads, there are numerous other factors that may lead to dangerous road conditions. So, remain vigilant while driving or getting into someone else’s vehicle. Do your best to assess traffic and remain aware of changing road and weather conditions.
Above all, make sure you are prepared in the event of a crash. A Nevada car accident lawyer from Lerner and Rowe will be able to help you seek compensation for any damages incurred from death, property damage, or injury.
Compensation for Death and Injury
After a traffic accident, you or a loved one may have suffered from loss of property, bodily injury, or even death. Each of these come with emotional and financial costs. It may be difficult to picture the future, considering all the changes your family will now have to face.
Seeking compensation for some of these losses may help offset some of these hardships. For instance, if you lost time off work due to an injury, you may be able to win compensation for that missed time off work. If you have medical expenses that will extend far into the future, compensation may be able to help you pay medical bills.
If your lifestyle must change due to an especially devastating injury from the crash, compensation may help you and your family financially adjust.
Furthermore, if a loved one has died in an accident due to another’s negligence, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. A lawsuit of this nature seeks to compensate you and your family for the loss of their loved one’s companionship and contributions to the family’s wellbeing.
Naturally, this can be an incredibly difficult time for families. Our team understands the pain your family is going through. The most valuable non-legal service we provide is to carry the emotional burden of our clients, so they can focus on life after an accident.
What to Do After a Crash
So, what should you do after a car accident to best prepare for a wrongful death or car accident lawsuit?
First, reach a safe spot away from the road, and call emergency services. If possible, take pictures of the wreck, and take down the other driver’s insurance information. If you or a passenger suffered injuries, seek out medical assistance right away. Save all medical bills, including hospital and ambulance ride bills.
As time goes on, keep a journal of any symptoms you experience. Save any artifacts from the crash, like police and witness statements. Finally, reach out to Lerner and Rowe. Your local car crash attorney will look at all this evidence and assess your case. Then, they will calculate the appropriate amount of compensation you are owed.
Car Accident Attorneys in Las Vegas and Reno
When searching for a car accident attorney near you, look no further than Lerner and Rowe. Our Las Vegas and Reno car accident attorney team is ready to fight for your maximum compensation. In order to start the process, reach out to one of our knowledgeable legal representatives.
You may do this by calling (702) 877-1500 for Las Vegas or (775) 644-444 for Reno, filling out an online form, or using our LiveChat feature.
We are available 24/7, any day of the year, to give you a FREE, no obligation case review. Also, there is no cost to you unless we win your case. So don’t hesitate—contact the Las Vegas and Reno personal injury law offices of Lerner and Rowe today!