With some of the country’s best motorcycle rides in Arizona, it’s no wonder there were 290,103 motorcycles registered throughout the state in 2022. Riding a motorcycle is a great way to get around the city and enjoy the best of Arizona’s highways and byways. Unfortunately, thousands of motorcyclists are killed in collisions with other cars and several thousand more suffer severe injuries each year. Many of these wrecks are preventable. While it’s crucial for motorcyclists to ride responsibly and adhere to traffic laws, it’s equally as important that other motorists know how to share the road with motorcycles. The Arizona motorcycle injury attorneys at Lerner and Rowe offer motorcycle safety tips for drivers.
Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
According to HG.org, approximately 75% of motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle, usually a car. The majority of these wrecks happen because the driver of the car violates or disregards the motorcycle’s right of way.
Careless Lane Changing
Motorcycles’ small size makes them more difficult to spot. Sometimes riders seemingly appear out of nowhere after traveling in your blind spot. Taking the extra time to double-check your blind spots using your mirrors and shoulder checks before making a lane change is crucial.
Misjudging Speed
Even experienced drivers might misjudge a motorcycle’s speed. An oversight like this can be especially harmful, or even fatal, particularly when a driver attempts to make a left turn in front of a motorcycle.
Illegal Lane Splitting
Some drivers assume that a motorcycle’s small size means they can share the lane side by side with the rider. Splitting lanes with a motorcycle rider significantly reduces the amount of space they have to maneuver to avoid other cars, debris in the road, etc. Lane splitting is illegal in the state of Arizona.
Speeding is a dangerous behavior that puts everyone on the road at risk. Speeding cars and trucks pose a huge risk to motorcyclists due to their sheer size and inertia. A speeding driver might not have enough time to realize that the motorcycle in front of them is coming to a stop. This is especially true while traveling on more remote roads in Arizona.
Following Too Closely
Motorcycles change speed and make turns quicker than most other motor vehicles. They’re also more greatly affected by changes in road conditions and need more stopping distance. Drivers should follow the 4-second rule to give motorcyclists enough space. This extra following distance provides a cushion for both the driver and the rider to adjust to sudden changes.
Drunk Driving
It’s easy enough for a motorcycle to slip into your blind spot unnoticed in the best conditions. With that said, being impaired while sharing the road with a motorcycle puts that rider, as well as anyone else on the road, at risk. Alcohol significantly reduces both your reaction time and ability to gauge distances. By the time a drunk driver notices a motorcyclist in their blind spot, it may be too late to avoid a collision.
Top 4 Motorcycle Safety Tips for Drivers in Arizona
Motorcycle accidents are preventable when bikers and other motorists practice safe driving. With their larger, more dangerous vehicles, drivers bear a significant portion of the responsibility in keeping Arizona roads safer for everyone. Check out these top 4 motorcycle safety tips for Arizona drivers from Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys.
1. Check Your Blind Spots
Due to their smaller size, it’s extremely easy to miss seeing an approaching motorcycle. When changing lanes or turning, fully turn your head and look over your shoulder to check for any riders who may have ended up in one of your car’s blind spots.
2. Always Use Your Turn Signal
Always engage your turn signal well ahead of time. This gives the vehicles around you time to adjust their speed in anticipation of your lane change or turn. Motorcyclists are less likely to end up in a blind spot if they know your intentions beforehand.
3. Avoid Sudden Stops
The rider behind you may not have time to react and could end up slamming into the back of your vehicle if you stop too suddenly.
4. Give Motorcyclists Extra Room
Even in ideal driving situations, it’s always a good idea to give motorcycles extra room. Increase your following distance when behind a motorcycle. Also, keep in mind that motorcycles have the right to use the full width of the lane. Don’t try to split lanes with a motorcyclist!
Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Arizona?
Follow these motorcycle safety tips for drivers to help make the road a safe place for all vehicles. For more information on how to reduce the risk of wrecks on Arizona roads, visit AZDOT’s Focus on Driving website or read more on our blog.
If you or someone you love has been the victim of another motorist’s negligence, whether on the back of a motorcycle or not, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Phoenix, Tucson, and throughout Arizona. The compassionate staff at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys are available 24/7 to help you with your claim.
Call us at 602-977-1900, chat with a LiveChat representative, or submit the details of your accident case using our free and secure contact form.