If you’re planning on traveling the Arizona highways this winter, you should prepare yourself for potential hazards in order to keep you and your family safe. Check out these common accident causes and useful winter driving tips from the personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys to avoid a car accident and stay safe on the road.
Common Causes of Winter Accidents in Arizona
While much of southern Arizona doesn’t experience significant snow or rainfall during the winter months, the roads do tend to become more dangerous during this time. As snowbirds make their annual migration to winter havens like Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma, the increase in drivers unfamiliar with the area can lead to less-than-optimal traffic conditions.
Traffic Slowdowns
Between holiday travel and an influx in residents (many of whom are retired senior citizens), you may encounter traffic moving considerably slower during the winter months in Arizona. Always follow the car in front of you at a safe distance so that you have plenty of time to stop and leave early to avoid delays.
Distracted Driving
Using a cell phone or other electronic device while behind the wheel is illegal in Arizona, unless the device is in hands-free mode. Fines range from $75 for first offenses to $250 for subsequent offenses. Look up your route ahead of time or program your hands-free GPS system before you go. Keep an eye out for other distracted drivers who may weave in and out of lanes or drive erratically.
Dust Storms
Arizona’s geography and climate make dust storms a year-round risk. These hazards can crop up without warning and cause fatal multi-vehicle pileups. Monitor weather reports for dust storm watches and warnings. If you do encounter a dust storm, don’t wait until it’s too dense to see. Exit the highway immediately if possible or pull over onto the shoulder until visibility improves. The Arizona Emergency Information Network (AZEIN) recommends drivers turn off all headlights, brake lights, and hazard lights once you’ve pulled off the road. This prevents other drivers from following your tail lights and rear-ending your vehicle.
In 2022, there were more than 1,830 vehicle-animal collisions in the state of Arizona. As animals migrate in search of food and shelter, they may cross large or small highways. Be particularly vigilant when traveling in rural areas, look out for wildlife warning signs, and use your headlights or high beams when appropriate.
If you see one animal crossing the road, there may be more behind it, so slow down even if the animal has already crossed. Don’t swerve to avoid wildlife if it means you’ll strike a guardrail or potentially flip your vehicle.
Driving Under the Influence
Christmas and New Year’s Eve, two of the biggest holidays of the year, occur during the winter months, increasing the possibility of alcohol-related accidents. If you decide to drink, arrange alternative transportation. Use ride share services, public transit, or get a ride from a designated driver. Be especially careful when traveling close to the holidays, and keep an eye out for impaired drivers on the road.
Bonus Winter Driving Tips: If you find yourself driving through northern Arizona this winter, you should be prepared for snow. If you’re planning on traveling to Flagstaff or the Grand Canyon, bring snow chains, slow down, and be on the lookout for black ice.
Please Follow These Winter Driving Tips
Even if you follow these winter driving tips to a tee, accidents can still happen. If you’ve been injured this winter in Arizona due to another person’s negligent or reckless behavior, you may be eligible for compensation. The Arizona injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys offer free consultations and do not charge any fees unless a recovery has been made on your behalf. Furthermore, our team takes great pride in helping clients carry the burden of their injuries and consider it the most valuable non-legal service we provide.
Take the first step towards the settlement that you deserve and call us today. You can reach us by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 602-977-1900, speak with one of our LiveChat agents, or submit your free case review online.