Traffic Deaths Rise For First Time in Decades Due to Distracted Driving

The latest national statistics reveal an alarming spike in the number of traffic deaths each year. For the first time in 50 years, the number of people killed in traffic accidents in 2016 increased by almost 10% over the previous year. There were more than 40,000 people killed. The primary reason for these fatal accidents, according […]

Phoenix St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Faire Safety Tips

Everybody loves parades! With several holidays approaching, many local communities are gearing up for fun-filled days of festivities that begin with annual or impromptu parades. Unfortunately, poor planning and unclear parade rules and regulations by local governments and sponsoring entities may put parade participants and attendees in danger. While parade accidents are rare, fatal incidents of the […]

Tips For Burglar Proofing Your Home

136 burglaries happen every hour and homeowners in Chicago are 20 percent more likely to experience a crime to their property. However, there are several steps to start burglar proofing your home. How to better ensure that your home and loved ones remain safe. Most burglars are criminals of opportunity. They are typically only going […]

5 Tips to Burglar Proof Your Home

There are 136 burglaries that occur every hour in the United States and homeowners in Las Vegas are 18 percent more likely to have a crime perpetrated against their home. However, there are a number of different measures you can take to make sure your property is a less attractive target for burglars. Most burglars […]

Pedestrian Safety Tips by Tucson Personal Injury Attorneys

Whether you’re walking for fun, for exercise, or as part of your commute, following proper pedestrian safety practices is vital. Drivers may be distracted by mobile phones, other passengers, or a myriad of other factors. Being a cautious walker can prevent a tragic pedestrian accident from occurring. To reinforce what you already know and to […]

Concussions: A Conversation Worth Having

Males playing football have a 75% chance of sustaining concussions, and female soccer players have a 50% chance. The Center for Disease Control has estimated that somewhere between 1.6 million and 3.8 million concussions occur each year. Clearly, concussion injuries are widespread among athletes. But instead of turning the other cheek about a controversial sports […]

Ultimate Valentine’s Dream Date Giveaway

At Lerner and Rowe, we love giving back to Arizonans! And, we couldn’t think of a better way to spread the love than host an Ultimate Valentine’s Dream Date Giveaway. For 13 days (from January 28th – February 9th) people told us what their ultimate dream date would be on our Facebook page. Then on […]

5 Important Questions To Ask Your Auto Insurance Company

For one reason or another, your auto insurance company may not always go over every single minuscule detail about your policy. They assume you’ll read the fine print. But if you’re like most people, you’ll park the information in your glove box or throw it in that kitchen drawer filled with other stacks of important […]

What Are Causes of Truck Accidents on Yuma Highways?

According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), most fatalities in collisions between large commercial trucks and passenger vehicles are the automobile occupants. Average motor vehicles are much more vulnerable when faced with taller, heavier semi-trucks that often outweigh them by 20 or even 30 times. According to the IIHS, 3,852 fatalities resulted from 18-wheeler truck […]