Is It Too Late to Get a Lawyer for My Nashville Car Accident?

Your family was just in a car accident on I-65. You have received word that your oldest daughter’s broken back will require multiple reconstructive surgeries, as well as months of physical therapy. Your other daughter has been having panic attacks, refusing to get into any vehicle. Your husband’s concussion has yet to begin to show […]

Can You Sue for Emotional Distress in Chicago?

When an accident happens, victims suffer. Sometimes, this suffering comes in the form of property damage and physical injury. Often, mental anguish and emotional distress accompany these losses.  It’s only natural to think of a personal injury lawsuit after an accident when someone else was negligent for the damage. But, can you file an emotional […]

11 Questions About Slip and Fall Settlements Answered

Imagine: you’re walking along on your way to work when suddenly you’re on the ground, in excruciating pain. You can’t move, and those around you are calling emergency services. You wonder how such a blissful stroll suddenly turned so terrible. You couldn’t even get to work that day–how will you pay for the ambulance ride? […]

Personal Injury Claims: How Much Can You Receive?

After an accident, those that suffered injuries will primarily want to focus on their recovery. However, recovery may seem slow and frustrating, especially when financial losses begin to mount. One way to possibly curb costs associated with injuries and property damage after an accident in Las Vegas is to file a personal injury claim. Doing […]

What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?

Chances are that if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you could be debating on whether or not you should hire a personal injury attorney. Because really, what does a personal injury lawyer handle during an accident case? And, is it even worth contacting one to help you process your […]

What Is Bodily Injury Liability?

Although many minor collisions only result in property damage, sustaining injuries in a car accident is a startlingly common occurrence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more than 2.3 million people are treated at hospital emergency rooms every year in the U.S. due to motor vehicle-related injuries.  As a result, bodily […]

Avoiding Chicago Gardening Accidents

National Garden Week takes place from June 6-12. Organizations like National Garden Clubs encourage people to take up gardening in order to contribute positively to the environment. Gardens can be one of the most beautiful and bountiful areas of a home, but they can also be the most dangerous. To help you and the members […]

Does Tennessee Have a Motorcycle Helmet Law?

Getting your motorcycle license in Tennessee is exciting—with plenty of lush scenic routes to explore and the opportunity to save precious time in traffic, motorcycles can be both thrilling and convenient. Whether you’re a new rider or have been riding for decades, it’s always a good idea to brush up on the rules of the […]

Las Vegas National Bike Month: Bicycle Safety

May is Las Vegas National Bike Month! Although the city is best known for its opulent casinos and decadent nightlife, many people are surprised to learn that it’s also a fantastic place for bicycle enthusiasts. With more than 500 miles of designated bike lanes and 30 outstanding trails, the Las Vegas Valley is wonderful for […]

Can a Lawyer Help Me Get Access to My Car Accident Footage?

Car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. One moment you’re driving down the street or patiently waiting at a stoplight, and the next your whole life may change. If you live in an at-fault state, figuring out who caused your car accident is instrumental in getting the compensation you’re entitled to for […]