¿Qué es el seguro AD&D?

El seguro por muerte accidental y desmembramiento (también llamado AD&D) es un tipo de cláusula adicional de póliza de seguro que complementa una póliza de seguro médico o de vida. Proporciona una compensación económica en caso de muerte o desmembramiento de una persona asegurada debido a un accidente. Si el asegurado muere en un accidente […]

What To Do After a Chicago Winter Bus Accident Injury

Winter commutes in Chicago mean facing the elements, whether you’re behind the wheel or riding the bus. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) offers reliable and safe public transportation and protection from the bitter cold. Still, there are always potential dangers. The combination of slippery surfaces, reduced visibility, and potentially reckless drivers can increase the risk […]

Motorcycle Accident Causes in Arizona

In a perfect world, motorcycle accidents would be 100% preventable, but unfortunately, they do happen even to the safest and most experienced riders. All riders can take steps to safeguard themselves and lower risk of injury. One way for motorcycle riders to stay safe is by becoming aware of the top Arizona motorcycle accident causes.  […]

Preventing Common Chicago Winter Injuries

Chicago winters can be brutal, with average temperatures below freezing and snow and ice blanketing the city. These conditions can increase the risk of injuries, both indoors and outdoors. Unfortunately, common Chicago winter injuries can quickly turn your season upside down and ruin your winter. In this blog, the Chicago personal injury attorneys at Lerner […]

7 Ways to Avoid Bicycle Injuries in 2024

Were you gifted a new bicycle over the holidays? Is exercising a part of your New Year’s resolution? If so, that’s great! Riding a bike is a fantastic way to exercise and enjoy the outdoors. However, if you do plan on riding your bike to start off your New Year’s resolution, you should learn how […]

Los Angeles New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

New Year’s Eve is one of the most popular nights for parties of the year. From bars, restaurants, exclusive parties, or just having a fun, low-key bash at home, there are plenty of ways to celebrate a Los Angeles New Year’s Eve. No matter how you choose to ring in the new year, it’s important […]

Preventing Reno Holiday Light Injuries

It’s officially the holiday season in Reno. With the twinkling lights and holiday festivities, it’s easy to forget the hidden dangers of lights, decorations, and all that comes with it. Faulty decorations, improper installations, falls, electrocution, and more can lead to devastating or even fatal Reno holiday light injuries that can ruin your holiday celebration. […]

2023 Vrbo Fiesta Bowls Parade Presenter

For the third straight year, Lerner & Rowe was the presenting sponsor of the Vrbo Fiesta Bowl Parade. As such, our team once again enjoyed kicking off the holidays by marching in the parade and handing out footballs and t-shirts. This year’s theme was the “Spirit of Competition.” Two local legends –Jake Plummer, former Arizona […]

Prepare Your Car for Los Angeles Wet Winter

While it rarely snows in Los Angeles, it’s common for Southern California to receive more rainfall in the winter. There’s a good chance that this winter will have more precipitation than usual, due to the El Niño weather system. To help you and the drivers in your household prepare for a Los Angeles wet winter, […]

Your Comprehensive Holiday Injury Prevention Guide

For many people, the end of the year is full of joyous festivities, family, and friends. Unfortunately, your sweet celebrations have the potential to sour with the opening of a single gift. Being mindful of holiday injury prevention practices is essential and starts at home. From being able to quickly spot defective products, to ensuring […]