25 Days of Giving 2016 Thank You Note

Throughout the year Lerner and Rowe looks for opportunities to give back and make a difference. One of the most enjoyable and high-impact ways is to host semi-annual 25 Days of Giving Contests. One of the winners from the 25 Days of Giving 2016 season’s contest sent this gracious thank you note to us:

Dearest Mr. Lerner & Mr. Rowe-

I’m writing to thank you so much. My mere words cannot express how thankful, grateful & appreciative I am for picking my name to grant my Christmas Wish. Barbara notified me Tuesday morning Dec. 20th that you read my letter and picker my name. I gasped for air & cried & praised God & you. This Blessing is truly a God send for me to be able to keep my vehicle running. The tears still keep running down my cheeks. I thank you over & over. If either of you gentlemen are ever down in the area, I’d love to meet you & than you in person. Your blessing you’ve given to me will never be miss used or even forgotten. God Bless & thank you, from my heart. Merry Christmas to each of you & Blessing for you into the New Year.


~ Shelly R.