When a person is injured in an accident that is caused by another party’s negligence, they are usually entitled to be compensated for the injury, either through an insurance settlement or a personal injury lawsuit.
It may be difficult for the victim themselves to try to determine that total amount of damages they should receive. Although tangible proof exists, damages for pain and suffering or other types of losses presents a unique challenge.
Nevada Car Crash
Damages which are tangible include medical expenses the victim has incurred for his or her injuries. If the injury requires future medical treatment, those expenses also need to factor into the total amount of awarded damages.
The same holds true for loss of income. The victim is entitled to receive reimbursements for lost wages they have suffered because of their injuries and also for future lost wages.
This can include the difference in the amount of income they could have earned compared to what they will be able to earn if their injuries prohibit them from returning to their prior job.
Accident victims can also collect damages for the pain and suffering they have endured from their injuries. Since this does not have a readily available dollar amount, a Las Vegas auto accident attorney must somehow calculate those entitled damages.
The attorney will determine the extent of:
- The injuries;
- Past and future medical treatment;
- Recovery or lack of recovery the victim has had;
- Injuries have had on the victim’s daily life; and
- Lastly any long-term or permanent effects of the injuries.
The attorney will choose a number between 1.5 through 5 and multiply it by the other expenses incurred. This results in the fiscal amount for pain, suffering, and other losses.
Relying on the insurance company to make a determination usually results in disaster. Most insurance companies offer much less than the actual damages the victim should receive.
This is why it is important to consult with an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer as soon as possible after being injured in a Nevada car crash. Contact us today! We look forward to hearing from you and also collect no fee unless you win!