It’s a situation many people hope to never find themselves facing. How do you stop your friend from driving while intoxicated? This is an important question that some never consider until they must face this situation head on. Keeping an intoxicated friend or loved one from getting behind the wheel and driving has the potential to prevent catastrophe. In this blog, our car accident lawyers in Chicago list easy steps to take to help you keep your friend from endangering themselves and others by driving drunk.
The very best way to solve this situation is by preventing it from occurring in the first place. Before you even head out to indulge with your friends, establish a clear plan for a designated driver. Modern technology gives no excuses; if no one wants to volunteer to remain sober, have everyone agree on taking an alternative way home. From public transportation, to taxis and rideshares, there are a number of ways to plan ahead. If you have a decision set before you even go out, there’s a much higher chance that everyone will stick to the arrangement.
Ask Gently
However, things may not always go smoothly. You may even run into a friend that has already begun drinking before you get there. In this case, trying to take the keys away from your friend or loved one can be easier said than done. Still, you have a duty to your friend and your community to do your best to prevent them from making a dangerous decision.
Approach your friend calmly and be sure to remain non-confrontational. Alcohol has a way of making people more prone to being more aggressive than normal. Keep your body language relaxed and open as you speak gently to your friend or loved one. Pull them aside, away from crowds and other people, to ask for their keys so as not to embarrass them. You can even make a joke or two to help ease the tension.
Explain Why
One of the main reasons it can be so difficult to persuade an intoxicated person not to drive is that they may be in denial of their level of intoxication. Alcohol impairs a person’s judgement, thus leading them to believe they are perfectly capable of operating their vehicle safely. This is the step that may require the most work on your part, but if done properly, it should prevent any further confrontation.
Continuing to remain calm, begin to explain to your friend or loved one why the idea of them getting behind the wheel concerns you. Tell them of the symptoms you’re observing in them. Remind them why it is a dangerous idea that is not worth the risk. Let them know that you care about them and don’t want to see them hurt, arrested, or worse. Enlist the help of others who know the driver well, if possible. The driver may not have seriously considered the consequences of their decision, and hearing it from friends may be just what they need to accept their state.
Car accident lawyers in Chicago also suggest you mention the presence of patrolling police cars in the area. The threat of real legal repercussion is a powerful deterrent.
Offer Alternatives
Many intoxicated drivers protest handing over their keys because they do know how else they will make it home. If you are unable to drive your friend home yourself, due to your own intoxication or otherwise, offer helpful suggestions for alternative forms of transportation.
As previously mentioned, there are a plethora of ways to avoid driving drunk in 2018. Uber and Lyft are just two names in the pool of rideshare options. If your friend doesn’t have one of the apps on their smartphone, offer to help them download it and show them how it works. You could also purchase a ride for them before you even confront them. Your loved one may be more willing to accept the ride if it’s already on the way.
If the idea of getting in a taxi, on a bus, or in a car with a stranger makes your friend or loved one uncomfortable, offer to go with them so you both can rest assured that they will make it home safely.
Get Help From Our Car Accident Lawyers in Chicago
You have the ability to save the lives of others by preventing your intoxicated friend or loved one or from getting behind the wheel after while drunk.
Car accident lawyers in Chicago see many traffic collisions that are attributed to impaired drivers. If you or someone you care about suffers injury or harm due to the negligence decisions of another, reach out to our team at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys. Our team of compassionate and dedicated car accident lawyers in Chicago will aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve. Our offices are open Monday through Friday, from 8am to 5pm. But you can call us any time, day or night, at 844-977-1900. You can also contact us via the LiveChat feature on our site to get the answers you need. Your initial consultation is free and we won’t ask for any further fees until we emerge from your case successful.