As Phoenix car accident lawyers, we see our fair share of car accident cases. A good percentage of those could have been avoided if one or both of the driver’s involved had been alert and aware of their surroundings.
In fact, over one hundred million people have actually admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel!
Driving drowsy can be almost (and sometimes even more) as dangerous as driving under the influence, and if you want to be a safe driver and avoid accidents, it’s critical that you learn the tricks to staying alert and focused behind the wheel
How to Stay Alert While Driving
If you want to avoid nodding off behind the wheel and becoming a driving statistic (or one of our car accident clients), then you should be following these tips:
- Get a good night’s rest. It sounds obvious, but many people hit the road when they haven’t had enough sleep, with disastrous results.
- Stay hydrated on the road. Dehydration and fatigue go hand in hand. Keep a bottle of water nearby at all times.
- Stretch your legs every few hours. A few minutes walking around, or a quick snack and cup of coffee in a roadside diner can get you back in top driving shape.
- Don’t get distracted by CDs, radios or MP3 players. Assign the task of changing music to your co driver, or create a playlist before you leave for solo trips.
- Try to avoid taking long trips alone. It’s always easier to stay awake and alert if you have someone sitting in the passenger seat!
- Stash your phone in the trunk. If you have Bluetooth in your car, you’ll still be able to make or receive calls, but there will be no temptation to be distracted by texts.
- Limit driving in bad weather or in the dark whenever possible. Grey, gloomy days and dark nights can have a hypnotic effect, and that can limit your attention.
When In Doubt, Ask Phoenix Car Accident Lawyers
Even if you do everything right, you could still find yourself in a car accident. If you have, you can contact our office on (602) 977-1900 any time, to talk to one of our dedicated personal injury attorneys.
We might not be able to help you prevent every accident, but when you are the injured party, our team of Phoenix car accident lawyers can help to get you the compensation and assistance you deserve.