The vast majority of people are aware of the severity and seriousness of injuries such as broken bones, but not nearly as many are familiar with just how debilitating soft tissue injuries can be. That’s why the dedicated personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe are here with all of the information you need to know when it comes to soft tissue injuries.
What Are Soft Tissue Injuries?
Any injury to your body’s “soft” areas, specifically the muscles, tendons and ligaments, are classified as a soft tissue injury. These injuries can cause pain and discomfort from soreness, stiffness, swelling, and bruising, and are especially common in car accidents. If you begin to feel any of those symptoms after a car accident, your local personal injury lawyer is standing by to get you the compensation you deserve.
Typical soft tissue injuries include:
- Contusions: bruising from a direct blow that does not break the skin, but causes blood to pool beneath the skin.
- Strains: overstretching and/or tearing of muscles or the tendons that connect muscles to bones.
- Sprains: overstretching and/or tearing of ligaments, which connect bones together in joints.
- Tears: tears of the meniscus, ACL, and MCL are particularly common.
Sprains and strains are often lumped together, and the terms used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences between the two. Many symptoms are the same, but sprains often include bruising, while strains involve muscle spasms. Soft tissue injuries can be acute (felt immediately) or chronic, which have long lasting impacts on your daily life.
What Are Some of the Most Common Causes?
Soft tissue injuries are very common after car accidents, but they’re not limited to just that type of accident. Some of the clients we’ve helped were injured due to high-impact collisions. Some also happened following low-impact accidents, as certain soft tissues are especially delicate. Some of our other clients got hurt after suffering a slip and fall injury. Other common causes of soft tissue injuries include:
If you suffered a soft tissue injury because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, you should get in touch with us right away. We can help you take the first step toward recovering the compensation you deserve.
Why Some Soft Tissue Injuries Are Difficult to Diagnose
Soft tissue injuries are common in accidents, but they can also be some of the most challenging to diagnose. Unlike broken bones or fractures, which show up clearly on x-rays, soft tissue injuries often don’t leave any visible signs that can be easily detected. This makes diagnosis more complex and can lead to underestimating the severity of the injury. Because these injuries don’t show up on traditional x-rays, more advanced imaging techniques, such as MRIs, may be necessary to get a clear picture of the damage.
Adrenaline can also play a significant role in masking symptoms. After an accident or injury, the body often produces a surge of adrenaline, which acts as a natural painkiller. This can temporarily numb pain and make it seem like the injury isn’t as serious as it actually is. As the adrenaline wears off, the pain may become much more apparent, revealing the true extent of the damage.
This difficulty in diagnosing soft tissue injuries is one of the reasons why insurance companies may rush to get claimants to settle quickly. Without a clear diagnosis, the full extent of the injury may not be immediately apparent, and insurance companies know that settling early can limit their financial exposure. Claimants who accept early settlements may not receive enough compensation to cover long-term medical treatments, rehabilitation, or lost wages if their injuries turn out to be more severe than initially thought.
Work with a Top Soft Tissue Injuries Lawyer Today
When property damage is minimal, insurance adjusters often argue that soft tissue injuries are fabricated or more minimal than being claimed. If you’ve suffered a soft tissue injury in an accident someone else caused, contact a personal injury lawyer at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys.
We have a team of devoted attorneys who will listen to you with compassion and will fight full-force to get you the compensation you deserve. Consultations are free, plus there is no fee unless you win. Get your free case evaluation today by calling 844-977-1900, filling out a convenient online form, or using LiveChat.