Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Useful Tips to Help You Avoid Road Rage in Chicago

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If you are the victim of a road rage attack, don’t hesitate to contact our Las Vegas accident lawyer.

Road rage is on the upswing as the global population swells and vehicles clog the streets. Navigating traffic is particularly challenging in Chicago. It is no secret our city streets and highways are packed to the brim. What matters most is you keep your cool while behind the wheel. Setting off the wrong driver has the potential to lead to a violent road rage incident that puts your well-being, and even your life, in jeopardy. If anyone harms you in a road rage incident or as a result of negligence while operating a vehicle, do not assume you are powerless. Our Illinois accident lawyer is here to help you obtain the financial compensation you need to cover the cost of medical bills, pain, suffering and missed time at work.

Control Your Rage While Behind the Wheel

Everyone has the potential to become the victim of road rage. The flip side of this coin is every Chicago driver also has the potential to become enraged while operating a motor vehicle. Think back to the last time you were cut off in traffic. You might have considered honking your horn or possibly even flipping off the offending driver. Instead of acting out in rage, you likely settled down and reflected about the mistakes you made on the road when rushed or inexperienced.

Doing absolutely nothing in response to an aggressive or careless driver is the best course of action unless that driver has damaged your vehicle or harmed you or a passenger in your vehicle. There is no sense in letting the other driver know you are angry with his or her actions. If you agitate an already stressed driver, he or she could make your life even worse. The sad truth is many people are overworked, stressed, rushed, and unhappy. Upset the wrong driver and he or she might attack you in a fit of rage.

Avoid Eye Contact, Gestures, and Other Forms of Provocation

One of the best ways to avoid road rage conflict is to avoid eye contact with the driver in question. If he or she locks eyes with you, the chances of a road rage incident could be that much higher. Do not make any sort of gesture toward the driver. Look straight ahead, obey the rules of the road, and try to put the driver’s careless actions behind you. Even honking your horn, speeding up, slowing down, or tailgating has the potential to trigger the other driver and lead to a road rage incident.

If the offending driver is tailgating you while driving in the passing lane, do not increase your rate of speed. Still, it is dangerous to let a tailgater travel within a few inches of your vehicle, regardless of how fast your vehicles are moving. The best course of action is to move over to the right-hand lane and let the aggressive driver zoom away.

Let the Authorities Handle It

If another driver’s lack of due care, or negligence, toward you and/or others on the road is extreme, do not attempt to handle the situation on your own. Reach out to the police right away. Tell the police where the driver is located, describe the vehicle, and explain what he or she is doing to make the road unsafe. If you can remember the driver’s license plate number, relay that information as well. Even the first couple letters or numbers of the license plate will help the police identify the aggressive driver and possibly ticket him or her for reckless driving.

Take a Deep Breath

Breathing exercises are one of the best ways to settle down after another driver ticks you off. Breathe deeply, think about the potential ramifications of lashing out at the offending driver, and move on with your life. Your personal safety matters more than letting the other driver know you are unhappy.

If necessary, pull over to the side of the road to calm down. Inhale for four consecutive seconds. Hold the air you inhaled for another four seconds. Exhale for four more seconds. If you do not feel relaxed after this breathing exercise, repeat it until you settle down.

Our Illinois Accident Lawyer is Here to Help

If you are the victim of a road rage attack or any other event in which another person or institution acted in a negligent, or careless, manner, contact our Illinois accident lawyer. You can reach Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys anytime by phone at 844-977-1900.

You can also reach us 24/7 through our website’s LiveChat feature. We provide free consultations. You will not pay us a penny unless we win your case. Our regular office hours are 8AM to 5PM, yet we will gladly take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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