Las Vegas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, with over three million visitors in May 2022 alone. With so much to do and see in the city, many visitors choose to rent a vehicle during their stay.

Unfortunately, car accidents are all too common in Las Vegas, and those who aren’t familiar with valley roads and highways may be more likely to get in a wreck. And, if you’re in a rental car crash, you may be completely uncertain of what to do after the fact. From what to do at the scene to determining who is liable for the accident, Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys has compiled this guide for what to do after a rental car accident in Las Vegas.
#1: Stay Calm and Check For Injuries
After any accident, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or panic, but this can lead to poor decisions or injuring yourself or others. Take a deep breath, orient yourself, and begin looking for any signs of injury to you or your passengers. If you are able to safely remove yourself from the vehicle and can check on the driver of the other vehicle, do so. If anyone is injured or requests medical assistance, call 911 immediately.
If you or someone else is significantly injured, do not try to move them unless it is absolutely necessary and instead wait for help to arrive.
If your vehicle is blocking traffic or presents a significant safety hazard and is still in drivable condition, you may need to move it to the shoulder. However, if at all possible, it is recommended to leave your vehicle as it was immediately after the accident to help police establish how the accident occurred. If your vehicle is smoking or on fire, move as far away from the scene as possible to prevent potential burn injuries and contact the fire department.
#2: Contact the Police
If you are in a rental car crash, once you have determined that no one requires immediate medical attention – including both passengers and the other driver – you should contact the police to report the accident. In most cases in Nevada, unless there is no damage to any vehicles and no injuries, reporting a car accident is required by law.
While you wait for an officer to arrive, be sure to exchange contact information with the other driver and take as many photos as possible of the accident scene and the property damage to your vehicle. You may also ask witnesses for their contact information, although you should note that they are under no obligation to do so.
When the officer arrives, they will investigate the accident and prepare a police report. They may look for signs of driver negligence that caused the accident or contributing factors like driving under the influence.
You should request a copy of this report and take down the name and badge number of the responding officer for your records. If asked to give a statement, stick to the facts and avoid speculation, admissions of guilt, or apologies.
#3: Call the Rental Car Company

The next thing you need to do is call your rental car company. Contact information can usually be found in the paperwork given to you when you rented the vehicle, as well as in the vehicle itself, such as in the glove box or on the visor.
When you speak to the representative from the rental car company, make sure to ask them what documentation they need from you. This may include photos, a written statement, names of witnesses, a copy of the police report, etc. You may want to review the fine print of your Las Vegas rental car agreement, including any insurance coverages you opted in for.
#4: Contact Your Car Insurance Company
Many people who rent cars choose to waive the additional insurance option and instead rely on their own car insurance policy. Keep in mind that the minimum required amount of liability coverage for most car insurance companies may not cover rental car accidents. If you have collision and comprehensive coverage on your car, this will likely apply to any car you rent, but you may still be responsible for paying a deductible.
#5: Call a Rental Car Crash Lawyer
Dealing with the fallout of a rental car accident in Las Vegas can be quite complicated, especially if you live out of state or multiple vehicles were involved in the wreck. Dealing with so many insurance companies—yours, the rental company’s, and those of any other vehicles involved—is enough to make anyone’s head spin. Add this to the injuries you may be dealing with, your medical bills, and lost wages, and you may not know where to turn.
This is why you should also strongly consider calling a Las Vegas car accident attorney after a rental car crash. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys have decades of experience helping injured accident victims obtain the compensation they deserve after a car crash. Big insurance companies are notorious for offering substandard settlements to individuals who don’t know any better. With us on your side, you’ll get the compensation you deserve.
Contact our injury law firm by calling 702-877-1500. Online agents are standing by to answer your questions via LiveChat . You can also send us a secure message using this form. Consultations are free, so call today!