Prescription Errors and Malpractice

prescription errors and malpractice
It’s important to know about prescription errors and malpractice when a healthcare professional acts negligently and harms you.

When you take a medication, you trust that your symptoms will be cured or at the very least mitigated. However, prescription errors and negligence can occur and may cause more harm on top of what you were already suffering from, even wrongful death. If this happens, it’s important to contact a prescription error attorney.

At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, our medical malpractice legal team has the experience to help those suffering from a pharmacist and/or medical practitioner mistake. We know how to seek compensation to cover loss of normal life, pain, and suffering that results in serious personal injury and/or wrongful death.     

What is a Prescription Error?

A prescription error is when a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or some other medical professional makes a negligent mistake with someone’s medication. Prescription errors can range in severity, from mostly unnoticeable to life-threatening, or wrongful death. Some examples of prescription errors include:

How Can I Prove Medical Malpractice?

It’s one thing when a prescription error occurs. Proving that medical malpractice occurred, however, is something else entirely. Navigating the complexities of medical malpractice laws can be confusing. If you have questions about your medical malpractice case, be sure to contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys. For now, though, here is a brief overview of the elements needed for a successful medical malpractice case:

  1. A medical relationship existed – You must prove that the entity responsible for the prescription error was responsible for your care. This can usually be established by medical records, prescription receipts, doctors’ notes, and other documentation.
  2. Negligence occurred – You must prove that the physician, nurse, pharmacist, or whatever other health care professional in charge of your care was negligent when it came to your treatment. This means that there must have been a standard of care and that the responsible party must have failed to abide by that standard.
  3. You suffered damages – It isn’t enough that a medical relationship existed and that negligence occurred. You must also prove that you suffered damages as a direct result of the responsible party’s negligence. In other words, if you suffer injury not related to your medication, for example, you may not have a good chance at a prescription error lawsuit.

This is only a summary, and actual court cases are much more detailed and complicated. Don’t lose hope, though. Contact Lerner and Rowe right away for a free consultation regarding your prescription error case.

Have Questions on Your Prescription Errors Case?

If you or someone you love suffer from a negligent prescription error, or even a wrongful death, contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away. Our compassionate and relentless lawyers work tirelessly for the compensation you deserve. We know how to handle pharmacists, medical care providers, and pharmaceutical companies to get them to pay top-dollar for their negligence.

Contact us anytime at 844-977-1900. You can also visit us in one of our offices Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additionally, you can get in touch with us by filling out an online form or by taking advantage of our convenient LiveChat feature.

Don’t keep your questions and concerns to yourself; contact Lerner and Rowe today!