Flying has become incredibly stressful in the post-9/11 era. Airline seats are not exactly spacious. Further, few items are allowed on-board, and security is a hassle. An injury is the last thing you should have to worry about while flying. If you are hurt in any way on a plane, do not despair. Our Nevada injury attorneys are here to make you whole again.
Airline Injuries: Turbulence and Other Acts of God
Turbulence is one of the top causes of airline injuries. In most cases, airlines are not liable for injuries stemming from acts of God. However, if the airline failed to notify passengers of upcoming turbulence, provided faulty safety equipment, or acted in another negligent manner, it might be possible to file a successful personal injury lawsuit. As long as your attorney can prove the flight crew could have foreseen turbulence or another threat that contributed to your injury and did nothing to prevent it, there is solid legal footing for a personal injury lawsuit.
Baggage and Food Carts are Legitimate Threats
A surprising number of airplane injuries result from falling baggage and contact with food carts. If baggage falls out of the overhead bin or strikes you when another flyer traverses the cabin, you may be able to pursue compensation for all expenses relating to the injury. Even a rolling food cart that causes an injury may lead to a successful personal injury lawsuit.
Moving Through the Cabin
Getting up to use the bathroom, stretch, or speak to a flight attendant has the potential to result in a painful injury. Plenty of passengers come into contact with luggage, food carts, and fellow flyers when traversing the cabin. If another passenger or a member of the flight crew is even slightly responsible for your injury, there is an avenue for legal recourse.
How a Personal Injury Attorney can Help
Too many flyers assume an injury suffered on a plane is simply bad luck. They think there is no means of pursuing compensation. The truth is if the flight crew, another passenger, the maker of faulty equipment, or the manufacturer of the aircraft is in any way responsible for the injury, there may be an opportunity for successful litigation.
A careless or inattentive pilot, flight attendant, maintenance worker, or anyone else involved in the flight should be responsible for their negligence. If your attorney can prove the party in question failed to provide due care and this negligence contributed in any way to your injury, you will be able to pursue compensation.
The law dictates there is a higher duty of care for airline carriers. This duty of care applies to everyone who works for the airline and the airport. The duty of care extends to all aspects of the flight. From the point at which the plane begins boarding through the flight’s duration and departure. If you suffer an injury between the time at which you arrive at the airport and the point at which you exit the plane, do not assume you are powerless.
Your first course of action after receiving medical treatment should be a meeting with our personal injury attorneys. We will analyze the idiosyncrasies of your case, collect evidence, build a case and pursue justice on your behalf. In fact, we can even pursue legal action against the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) if this group’s employees acted carelessly.
Contact Our Nevada Injury Attorneys
You should not go uncompensated for your airline injury, pain, suffering, medical bills, lost time at work and other related expenses. Our Nevada injury attorneys at will review your unique case, develop the optimal legal strategy and tirelessly work on your behalf to obtain compensation. Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys today to schedule a no-cost appointment. There is nothing to lose by meeting with our legal team. You do not have to pay a penny unless we win your case. You can reach us by dialing 844-977-1900. If you prefer to contact us online, check out our website’s LiveChat feature.