People often question whether the assistance of a lawyer is necessary following an auto accident. The assistance of a skilled and hardworking car accident attorney in Las Vegas can make the difference between a massive payday and little-to-no compensation following this horrible event. An attorney will do more than review the facts of your case and zealously advocate on your behalf. Meet with our legal team and you will have someone to talk to during this difficult period.
Learn from the Mistakes of Pro Se Accident Victims
Pro se describes those who attempt to represent themselves in legal matters rather than relying on an experienced and savvy attorney. Plenty of people have attempted to navigate the claims and legal processes following auto accidents in a pro se manner only to emerge with minimal, if any, compensation. The legal and insurance systems are intentionally complicated. You need an attorney in your corner who has successfully pursued auto accident insurance claims and litigation.
Moving forward without the assistance of an attorney has the potential to complicate and even sabotage the claim process because even the slightest mistake can put your case in jeopardy. The bottom line is those who do not have a law degree should not attempt to engage in legal battle with corporate attorneys without professional legal assistance.
Attorneys Provide Support Beyond Assistance with Claims and Litigation
This is undoubtedly a dark period of your life. Even if you are partially responsible for the accident, you are likely angry at the other driver, depressed and possibly unable to work due to your injuries. Our legal team is here to lift your spirits during this ordeal. We will do much more than represent you in talks with the insurance company and opposing counsel. Meet with our team and you will find we are cordial, understanding, caring and eager to help.
Let Our Attorneys Handle Settlement Negotiations and Litigation While You Recuperate
The aftermath of a violent auto accident is not a time for victims to interact with insurance company representatives. An insurance company may record every word you say during interactions with insurance company representatives and analyze it to poke holes in your claim. Your focus should be on rebuilding your body and mind, so you can return to work.
Lean on our legal team following the accident and we will interact with the insurance company on your behalf. We will also go up against the insurance company’s corporate attorneys. We have years of experience negotiating settlements and pursuing litigation following auto accidents.
Our attorneys will keep pushing until we emerge with the compensation you need and deserve to return your life to a semblance of normalcy. Instead of accepting the initial offer, the insurance company floats out like so many lawyer-less victims do, we negotiate until reaching a fair level of compensation.
Those who refuse to involve an attorney typically settle their case prior to the point in time of review of all the relevant documentation. Some refuse to negotiate, assuming they have no chance to obtain a better offer. These “rookie mistakes” are quite common for those who believe hiring an attorney will merely make the situation more complicated and costlier. The truth is leaning on an attorney maximizes your chances of a significant payout. Furthermore, hiring an attorney makes life simple for you as you can exclusively focus on rebuilding your life after this unexpected setback.
Our Car Accident Attorney in Las Vegas is on Your Side During This Difficult Time
Contact our car accident attorney in Las Vegas as soon as possible following your accident. You need an experienced legal team on your side to:
- evaluate your case,
- collect evidence,
- develop a legal strategy
- and ultimately obtain compensation.
Call Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys at 844-977-1900 to schedule an appointment.
Our office is open from 8am-5pm. However, we are more than willing to field your call 24/7. If you prefer to contact our legal team online, check out the LiveChat feature on our website. You can also fill out an online contact form. Consultations are completely free. We take no fee unless we win your case. So, don’t wait!