Most Dangerous Types of Accidents in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Types of Crashes
Contact the auto accident lawyers in Las Vegas to learn more about the types of crashes that are the deadliest.

You’ve seen the  aftermath of crashes on the road where the passengers are lucky enough to walk away from the wreckage. Some even come away with minor injuries or none at all. Unfortunately there are the types of crashes where the victims die or end up with catastrophic injuries that can leave them permanently disabled for the rest of their lives.

Knowing which accidents are deadlier help consumers when they are thinking about purchasing a new vehicle. This knowledge is especially useful when comparing different models to see how protected they and their family would be in the event of one these most dangerous types of crashes.

Types of Crashes

One of the deadliest types of crashes is the T-bone crash, also referred to as a side impact. This crash often occurs at stop signs or traffic lights and is usually the result of a driver driving through a red light or stop sign. The only thing between that other vehicle and the occupants in the vehicle is the door, offering no protection. This is why these crashes are often fatal ones.

Most consider head-on collisions one of the most dangerous. Although the bumper and the crumple zone  provides some protection, when two vehicles are traveling, there is often severe damage done to the vehicles. If both vehicles were traveling at 40 mph when they hit, the force was actually nearly double from the collision.

Although any vehicle can roll over, trucks, vans, and SUVs are particularly susceptible to these types of crashes. Taking a sharp curve or swerving around a dangerous object in the road can cause a rollover crash. Many times, in these crashes, the roof of the vehicle collapses, causing severe injuries to occupants. If an occupant doesn’t wear their seat belt, ejection from the vehicle occurs. Most do not survive.

Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys

If you have lost a family member in a fatal vehicle accident, contact a Las Vegas wrongful death attorney. They help you to find out what legal recourse you may have against those responsible for your loved one’s death.