Every time you enter your car and get on the road, you put yourself at risk of getting into a car accident. Even if you follow all the rules of the road and drive with the utmost caution, it’s an unavoidable fact of operating a motor vehicle. Get the help of a car accident lawyer Illinois right away.
When the worst happens and you’ve been a victim of a car accident, you expect all parties to stop and deal with the situation. It’s one of the basics of Driver’s Ed that we all learned before acquiring a license to drive. Unfortunately, not everyone follows the rules and you could find yourself on the side of the road as you watch the culprit speed away.
This can be one of the most confusing types of accidents to be a part of, since the usual steps would involve the other person. When a driver causes an accident and flees the scene, they have effectively multiplied the damaging effects of the average accident.
After being involved in one of these accidents, the best choice to make is to seek the services of an Illinois car accident lawyer.
What Qualifies as a Hit and Run?
The national Department of Motor Vehicles defines a hit and run accident as any accident in which a driver intentionally leaves the scene without providing contact information. A hit and run can also involve a vehicle and one or more pedestrians.
Now What? Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Illinois
Illinois has enacted laws to protect the victims of hit and run accidents. Try your best to get the licence plate number of the car that hit you. Be sure to take note of the make and model of the vehicle. The more information you can collect, the better the police will be able to help you and possibly catch the other driver. Then, try to enlist the help of any one around who may have witnessed the accident; take photos of any damage to your vehicle.
Next, call the local police and report the incident and provide relevant information.
The next call you make should be to your local car accident lawyer Illinois. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys will ensure you get a dedicated car accident lawyer. They will make sure you receive all due compensation for your time and trouble. Don’t stress yourself out too much; there is still hope. Illinois requires drivers to carry both insured and uninsured coverage. When a driver is gets into an accident with an uninsured driver, the victim’s insurance company should pay the claim.
In a wreck? Need a check? We bring experience, skill and passion to your case. We also provide free consultations and no fee, unless we win your case! Contact us through our LiveChat online or visit our office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are also available 24/7 to take your call at 844-977-1900.