If you have lost a loved one in an unnatural and unexpected manner, there’s a good chance that you, like many grieving loved ones, want to seek justice. At Lerner & Rowe, Phoenix personal injury lawyers, we might be able to assist you in filing a wrongful death lawsuit.
What Is Wrongful Death?
According to Arizona law, wrongful death is a death is often caused by the misconduct of a person or company due to negligence, accident, or also, intent. A wrongful death lawsuit may also be filed after a failed criminal suit, though if a person or entity is found liable, they may or may not be convicted of a crime.
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?
In the state of Arizona (and many others), there are limitations on who can file a wrongful death claim. Generally they include:
A surviving spouse or child
- A surviving guardian or parent
- A personal representative of those people, or the deceased’s estate
These limitations ensure that the courts are not flooded with opportunistic claims, but they can complicate things in some cases. At Lerner & Rowe, our Phoenix personal injury lawyers may have some answers if you’re not sure whether you fall into any of these categories.
What Can You Expect to Gain from a Wrongful Death Suit?
Many people file wrongful death lawsuits primarily to ensure that some form of justice is done for the loss of their loved one. You may receive compensation for:
- Pain and suffering of the deceased before death, and similarly for their family and loved ones after
- Loss of value or contribution to the household
- Loss of care or companionship
Financial compensation can also include:
- Funeral costs
- Lost wages
- Medical expenses related to the death
- Repair and also, replacement of vehicles or equipment
The types of damages you can claim may depend on your relationship to the deceased. Lerner & Rowe’s Phoenix personal injury lawyers may be able to help ease the financial burden of your loss.
Act Quickly and Get Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyers Today!
Under Arizona state law, the statute of limitations for filing this type of lawsuit is two years. So, if you think you have a case, contact Lerner & Rowe’s Phoenix personal injury lawyers. Our team offers free consultations by phone at our 24/7 client service line, 844-977-1900, or on our site. You can also stop by our office, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.