Kevin Rowe, Esq.
Lerner and Rowe, P.C.
(602) 977-1900
PHOENIX, Ariz. (April 26, 2019)— Lerner and Rowe are Warrior Sponsors of the 2019 Heroes Golf Classic to be held on April 29, 2019, at Moon Valley Country Club (151 West Moon Valley Drive, Phoenix, 85023). Helping Hands For Freedom holds this event each year to help raise critical financial resources for the families of the fallen, wounded, and deployed. In turn, those funds are used to prevent families from being evicted from their home or apartment, keep the utilities on, maintain the family car in the driveway, as well as cover other critical debts to help ensure daily life stability. Registration for the golf classic opens at 10:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. 19th hole awards party, comedy show, and dinner follow after at 5:00 p.m.
“Military life is not for the faint-hearted. The sacrifices made by soldiers and their families to help ensure our country remains safe and protected can be overlooked by civilians. That is what makes organizations such as Helping Hands For Freedom such an important asset within our community. It is our honor to help support their efforts to look after the families of the fallen, wounded and deployed.” —Kevin Rowe
Registered golfer highlights include: a chance to support an amazing organization while spending the afternoon on a scenic 18 hole golf course, complimentary beverages all day, complimentary lunch prior to the shotgun start, tee gift, and team awards. To find out more about sponsorship opportunities, as well as how to register and pay online, go to hhffevent.com.
More about Lerner and Rowe
For additional information about Lerner and Rowe’s Phoenix personal injury attorneys call (602) 977-1900. To learn more about Lerner and Rowe Law Group, call (602) 667-7777 or visit lernerandrowelawgroup.com.
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