Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Youth Driver, Walker & Biker Safety Tips for Los Angeles

los angeles pedestrian safety
Contact us when concerned about pedestrian safety in Los Angeles.

May is Global Youth Traffic Safety Month, and it’s the perfect time to be aware of and share these tips from the Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at California Injury Attorneys:


Drive without Distractions

It’s illegal to use mobile phones in California while driving unless your phone is in hands-free mode. However, even if you’re not using your hands on your device, our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys point out that it can still be a mental distraction from your driving. Additionally, pay attention to the road, rather than your friends. 

Don’t Speed

Younger drivers may be more likely to speed, and this can leave them unable to handle sharp curves and make them more vulnerable to hitting a car that suddenly slows down in front of them. In fact, just over 35% of fatal crashes involving 16- to 19-year-olds were primarily caused by unsafe speeds.

Pedestrian Safety

Take Extra Care at Night

When walking at night, our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys recommend wearing bright or reflective clothing so drivers on the road can see you. Also carry a flashlight, which will help you see curbs, potholes, and other hazards while making you visible to drivers.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Pay attention to your surroundings so you don’t step out in front of a car as you’re walking. It also helps to make eye contact with drivers so you know they can see you.


Wear a Helmet

If you’re a bicyclist under 18, you’re legally required to wear a helmet in California. We recommend wearing a helmet at any age, because it may be able to help prevent a serious head injury. Check your helmet’s size and fit every year to make sure your children haven’t outgrown it.

Know Where to Ride

Use a bicycle lane when there’s one available. If no bicycle lane, the law requires you to ride on the right side with the flow of traffic.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys and Pedestrian Safety

Injured in a driving, pedestrian, or biking accident? Contact our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at (323) 732-7363. We offer free consultations and are available during office hours from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. as well as 24/7 to take your call.

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