Although it seems deceptively simple, an Illinois accident lawyer knows that driving at night provides extra challenges. That means you should take extra precautions to stay safe.
Maximize Your Safety with These Nighttime Driving Tips
- Use your headlights
It is a good idea to turn headlights on even during the day whenever visibility is a little compromised, such as during cloudy weather that could make it harder for other drivers to see you. However, it is especially important to you turn your lights on at night, at least an hour before dusk. Not only do headlights make it easier for you to see as the sun goes down, but you become more visible to other drivers when you do so as well.
- Look away from oncoming traffic
Oncoming cars’ headlights can be blinding. Keep your eyes on the road but focus towards the side of the road and away from headlights when you must.
- Stay aware
Animals are often nocturnal and can appear out of nowhere, it seems, until it is too late to stop. Children, too, may be playing on the side of the road and can dart quickly out into traffic before you have a chance to react, due to the decreased visibility. Be even more aware than usual of any untoward movement from other drivers or pedestrians that could mean trouble.
Stay Awake
One of the biggest problems with driving at night is that, for most of us, our bodies prefer to be asleep. We all have natural circadian rhythms that have historically lulled us to sleep when dark and wake when it is light. You may find that you have trouble staying awake at night.
If you must drive, begin your drive as early as possible. If you begin to feel very tired, do not drive. Get off the road and find a safe place to park or a hotel to get some real rest. After all, you do not want to be the reason someone has called an Illinois auto accident lawyer to file a personal injury case against YOU.
Give Extra Space Between Cars
Increase your following distance. It is always impolite, and even dangerous, to follow behind other drivers too closely. However, it is even more dangerous at night. You could make it more difficult for the other driver see if you blind him or her with your headlights in their rearview mirror. Following to close could also make the other driver nervous and more likely to cause an accident. In addition, because your own visibility is reduced, you will have less time to stop if the car in front of you suddenly slows down or puts its brakes on. Be a polite and safe driver. Back off so that you give the other driver enough space (and good visibility, too) to drive safely. You will also keep yourself safe at the same time.
In optimal driving conditions, we suggest you keep three seconds’ worth of space between your car and the car in front of you. Add a second for any conditions that are less than perfect – including reduced visibility at night. This rule of thumb will help keep you safe so that you do not have to call an Illinois auto accident lawyer because you have been in an accident.
Extra Steps to Take Before Your Drive
There are a few more practical steps you can take to further ensure your safety when driving at night. When possible, before you drive at night you should:
- Clean your windshield
That streaky windshield can become a very dangerous hazard at night. Bugs, dust, and dirt may not even be noticeable during the day, but can significantly obscure vision at night in the glare of oncoming headlights.
- Check your vision
Even if it is easy to see during the day, darkness can make even adequate vision less than optimal. It can be much more difficult to read street signs, for example, or to gauge distance between cars. That is why it is important that you visit your eye doctor regularly for checkups and keep any prescription eye-wear or contacts current.
- Keep your headlights in good working order
Keep them clean and bright; replace dim bulbs and cloudy covers that have seen better days if you need to. Make sure they are properly aimed in the right direction and that BOTH are working when you drive at night. Driving with only one headlight reduces your ability to see even further, and is probable cause for a police officer to pull you over.
Have You Been Hurt by a Negligent Night Driver? Let an Illinois Auto Accident Lawyer Help you Get the Justice You Deserve
Call Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away at 844-977-1900 to speak to an experienced Illinois auto accident lawyer anytime. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, but we are available 24/7 to take your call or chat online via our LiveChat. We offer free consultations and there is no fee unless you win. Do not wait; you have nothing to lose. Call now!