Large trucks, such as 18-wheelers and semi-trucks, travel millions of miles over our nation’s highways to make deliveries of essential freight. They travel many safe miles, but when they’re in accidents with passenger vehicles, the results can be catastrophic.
Here are some stats and facts you need to know about truck accidents in Bullhead City, AZ.
How do Truck Accidents Differ from Car Accidents?
At first glance, it may seem as though one kind of accident isn’t substantially different from another. However, if your passenger vehicle gets in an accident with an 18-wheeler or semi-truck, it may be different from a crash with another passenger vehicle in the following important ways:
Greater Damage and Injuries
The large size and weight of a commercial truck combined with its heavy load makes it more likely to cause substantial property damage and serious injuries. If a large truck collides with your car, you may receive severe, life-changing injuries. These injuries can impact your ability to work and to enjoy your normal activities. You may suffer from pain for years and can rack up huge medical bills.
Larger Insurance Policies
Large trucks can inflict a great deal of damage. As a result, the insurance policy that covers them is many times bigger than one for a typical passenger vehicle. This means that although more money may be potentially available to you, the insurance company may fight vigorously against your claim. Conversely, its representatives may offer you a low-ball offer that’s far less than your claim is worth in an attempt to get you to settle out of court.
Complicated Regulations
Many federal and/or state regulations govern commercial truck drivers and the companies they drive for. They must follow these regulations. These include specific requirements for the rest that drivers must receive, maintenance schedules for trucks, and regular inspections. If these regulations weren’t followed for the driver and truck involved in your accident, this could help your case.
Complex Liability Issues
Large truck accident cases can present complex liability issues. The truck driver may be at fault, and/or the company that employs the driver may also be to blame. If the truck had a faulty part, the manufacturer may be liable for damages. But if the trucking company failed to have the truck properly maintained and inspected, it too could be at fault. The issues can be complicated and require the help of an experienced attorney.
What Should You Do if You’re in this Type of Accident?
You should take the following steps after truck accidents in Bullhead City:
- Take care of your safety as well as that of others – Get out of harm’s way if you’re able to and call 911 if you or anyone else has injuries.
- Call the police – Notify the local police, who will make sure to clear the road, direct traffic safely around the accident, investigate the accident, and will usually write a report.
- Take notes – if you’re able to do so, take notes with as many details as possible Also, take pictures of the scene of the accident and any damages to your vehicle or external injuries you may have suffered. Include details about drivers of other vehicles who may have stopped at the scene to help as well as information about witnesses. If you’re unable to get this information yourself, ask a passenger to do so. Or, call a close friend or relative who can quickly get to the scene.
- Seek medical attention – Check with your doctor or local hospital to have your injuries examined. You may have an injury that you’re not aware of, such as a concussion, and if so, you’ll need treatment.
- Keep documentation – Keep all of your notes and expenses related to the accident, including medical bills and details about any lost time at work.
- Contact a lawyer – A truck accident lawyer can ensure that you’re properly represented in any legal action regarding truck accidents in Bullhead City. After all, the trucking company’s insurer will be representing the other side. They have every reason to fight your claim or to make an offer that’s much less than you deserve.
How Can a Lawyer Help with Cases about Truck Accidents in Bullhead City?
A lawyer with experience in cases regarding truck accidents in Bullhead City understands the complicated laws and regulations that govern the trucking industry. He or she can help gather evidence, such as testimony from expert witnesses and records from the trucking company, to help prove your case. He or she can also advise you on what your case might be worth. That will keep you from settling for a low-ball offer.
Without this type of representation, you run a much greater risk of not receiving proper compensation for your injuries. This can leave you in deep financial trouble if you have high medical bills and possibly lost time at work.
If you’ve been injured in one of the truck accidents in Bullhead City, contact cal Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys at 928-222-2222. We offer free consultations with office hours from 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m, Monday through Friday. However, we are available 24/7 to take your call. If you prefer contacting us online, we offer a convenient LiveChat feature. For more information about staying safe around 18-wheelers, check out our blog post that offers valuable tips.