Graduation Party Safety: What Parents Need to Know

Illinois injury Attorneys
If your child or a member of your family is injured because of an accident caused by the negligence of teen drinking, you need experienced Illinois injury attorneys looking out for your best interests.

It is that time of year again where young adults and their families prepare to celebrate the graduation season. You might find yourself hosting a party for your child and his or her friends. Additionally, there is also the possibility that your child could be attending multiple graduation parties that are outside of your control. In fact, during 2016, underage drinkers caused 29 percent of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities. Of these accident fatalities, 24 young people lost their lives.

Of course, there should be celebrations to mark this milestone in your child’s life as they move on to their next chapter of their life. But, with these types of celebrations involving teens, Illinois injury attorneys warn of the risk of potential legal issues if alcohol is part of the celebrating. Here is how you can do your part in preventing tragedy from ruining what should be a joyous time.

When You Host a Party

In an ideal world, it would be simple to just lay down a strict no alcohol policy for the party you are hosting for your child. While dram shop laws in Illinois may have limited power in regards to social hosts, and prevents successful claims brought against them, serving alcohol to minors is still a criminal offense. You could also open yourself up to civil claims for damages from the minor and his or her parents.

Having the Talk with Your Child

Even though your high school graduate might legally be an adult, it is very likely they are not of legal age to drink alcohol. If he or she is attending a party without you, you cannot assume that the host will follow along with a no alcohol policy. Unless you know the host parent(s) and trust that they will not allow teens to drink at their home. Discuss the following with your grad before they head out to celebrate:

  • Tell your teen that drinking and driving is not an option.
  • Advise them not to drive or get in a car with someone who was drinking.
  • Develop a backup plan for if your teen finds themselves in a peer pressure situation.
  • Give your teen a commitment of a “no questions asked” policy. This should allow them to call you for a ride if they have been drinking.
  • Set up an Uber or Lyft account that your teen can use if needed.

This would also be a good time to reiterate to your graduate the danger of drinking and driving. Be sure to tell them how it could seriously damage his or her future. Discuss how violating the laws concerning driving under the influence could destroy their future.

Illinois Injury Attorneys on Your Side

Despite all precautions, your teen could slip up and suffer injury due to someone else’s negligence. This could be the result of failure to provide proper supervision by allowing teens to drink. If a member of your family suffers harm from an accident caused by teen drinking, you do have rights. In a wreck? Need a check to compensate for your injuries and losses?

You need experienced Chicago injury attorneys looking out for your best interests. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys bring experience, skill, and passion to your case. Your consultation is free and there is no fee unless we win your case. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call at 844-977-1900. Or, you can reach us through the LiveChat on our website.

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