Las Vegas is a great city for biking – the sunny, moderate weather lets bikers ride all year. The city is expanding their bike lanes and paths to accommodate more riders.
With Las Vegas’ population of half a million and growing, bikers and walkers have to learn to co-exist with each other as well as with cars on the roadways to avoid accidents. Statistics show that biking constitutes 1% of all Southern Nevada trips and walking constitutes 8-12%.
In Spring 2017, the Southern Nevada Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (RBPP) developed their mission and goals for the walking and biking community.
Biking and walking foes include:
- Safety worries.
- Traffic.
- Hot weather.
- Also, lack of shade.
- And poor lighting.
- Too many items to carry
- No direct route
- lastly, too long.
A study found what the public wanted.
Improvements included:
- more and wider dedicated lanes for bikers and pedestrians;
- Also, paved trails;
- More safe routes to school.
- Lastly, sidewalks, crossings, and signage.
The RBPP recommended increasing local programs and policies that boost walking and bicycling for all ages, including creating over 2,000 miles of facilities when the system has been finished.
Overall RBPP goals:
- Comfort and safety – develop facilities that enable bicycling and walking convenient and safe for all ages/abilities
- Access – improve pedestrian and biker access to destinations throughout Southern Nevada including connections to transit
- Education and encouragement – broader participation of walking and bicycling through programs
- Equity and health – Biking and walking has a large impact on air quality and community health while also assisting underserved neighborhoods
The Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition is sponsoring a NV Bicycle and Pedestrian Summit in November 2017, where transportation professionals and advocates discuss best practices regarding to biking and walking roads and pathways, funding, education, outreach and policy.
Contact a bike accident attorney in Las Vegas.
As more bikers take to the roadways, pedestrian safety when sharing common areas will be important. Contact a bike accident attorney in Las Vegas to get the justice you deserve when you’ve been injured.