A truck’s blind spot is the area it that is not visible by use of the truck’s mirrors. Semi-trucks have the biggest blind spots, and semi-truck drivers and others are often at greatest risk of collision. The size and weight of an 18-wheeler compared to a car means that a car will bear the force of the impact in a collision.
From 2009 through 2013, according to the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), 371 individuals were killed and over 2,770 people were seriously injured in collisions with big trucks. Additionally, NDOT notes that more than 72% of accidents involving trucks are the other vehicle’s fault.
Usually, a semi-truck has a blind spot on each side of their vehicle, behind the trailer and to the immediate right side of the cab. The type of truck’s side mirrors impacts the size and location of a blind spot. However other drivers should just assume that a truck driver cannot see them in any of the common blind spots.
Blind Spot Accidents and Prevention
Some trucking companies are employing technology with blind spot indicators and cameras. The systems are expensive and they are in the very beginning stages of use.
Most blind spot related accidents occur when a truck is making a right turn at an intersection. Other drivers are unaware of how much room the truck needs. The car or other vehicle is often in the blind spot of the truck.
For several years, there have been PSA’s for drivers to increase awareness of the dangers associated with trucks’ blind spots. These are referred to as “no-zones,” or areas where drivers should not stay in while driving.
Drivers should avoid passing big rigs on the right. When passing on the left, pass the truck quickly. After passing, look for the front of the truck in your rearview mirror before pulling over.
While the facts regarding each one of the blind spot accidents will always be different, a truck driver has a duty to check their blind spots before changing lanes. The failure to check may make the truck driver liable for any resulting collision. Contact us today to learn about how the offices of Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys will help you.