Car accidents are one of the most common causes of injuries in the United States. The severity of those injuries varies a great deal from minor bruises and scratches to death. Unfortunately, it is all too common for people involved in a car accident to sustain hidden injuries in a car accident that could lead to severe, life-altering effects. At Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys, our Tucson car accident lawyers know all too well how devastating these injuries can be.
Warning Signs & Risks of Hidden Injuries
Knowing warning signs and risks of hidden injuries could save your life! Here are four hidden injuries that you should be mindful of if you are involved in a car accident.
1. Brain and Head Injuries
Brain and head injuries are among the most dangerous types of hidden injuries. Many times during a crash, things happen so quickly that you may not realize that you hit your head, or that you hit it hard enough to cause any real damage.
The Warning Signs:
If you experience any of these symptoms following a car crash, you should be seen by a medical professional immediately:
- Nausea;
- Dizziness;
- Extreme fatigue;
- Headaches or migraines;
- Altered speech;
- Loss of hearing or seeing ability; and,
- Loss of coordination.
Any of these symptoms could be a warning sign that you have incurred a head or brain injury during your car accident.
The Risks:
Hidden head and brain injuries are a severe threat that pose a serious risk of permanent brain damage and death. It is crucial that you understand how large of a threat these injuries pose to your life.
2. Neck And Spine Injuries
Neck and spine injuries are also very common to car accident victims and can have a tremendous impact on your life if they go untreated.
The Warning Signs:
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms following a car accident, be sure to seek emergency medical treatment from a trusted medical professional:
- Extreme sense of pressure in your neck or back;
- Numbness or tingling in your body;
- Pain in you neck or back;
- Loss of control of your bladder; and,
- Lack of coordination or a feeling of weakness.
The Risks:
Injuries to the spine can cause severe and permanent pain, paralysis, and death.
3. Facial Injuries
Facial injuries are often overlooked or thought of as being superficial. However, facial injuries could indicate more extensive damage than what can be seen or felt on the surface and they should not be taken so lightly.
The Warning Signs:
The following are warning signs that should raise an alarm following a car accident:
- Seeing double or double vision;
- Severe headaches;
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded; and,
- Any changes in your vision.
The Risks:
Hidden facial injuries are a serious risk because you could be in danger of permanent brain damage or blindness. Therefore, you should take these symptoms very seriously.
4. Internal Injuries
One of the most common hidden injuries is internal injuries because they are so difficult for car accident victims to identify. However, Tucson car accident lawyers want to make sure you are careful to notice the following warning signs and understand the risks.
The Warning Signs:
- Pain in your stomach or abdomen;
- Swelling in your stomach or abdomen; and,
- Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or fainting spells.
The Risks:
Sadly, Tucson car accident lawyers see far too many cases of people that have died as a result of hidden internal bleeding. There have also been cases where people needed transplants and transfusions or suffered permanent damage to their internal organs.
Hurt in a Wreck? Call a Tucson Car Accident Lawyer to Protect Your Rights!
If you or someone you love has been involved in a car accident, it is crucial that you call our Tucson car accident attorneys right away to ensure that all of your rights are protected. You deserve compensation for your injuries and any other losses as a result of your car accident. Call (520) 977-1900 for a free consultation and ask about our no fee unless you win policy.