When involved in a car accident, it can be difficult to understand all of the terms and conditions associated with your car accident insurance coverage. Making sure you have proper auto insurance in case of a car accident is extremely important. Although every driver must have insurance, that does not guarantee coverage when injured in a car accident. If more than one vehicle involved in an auto accident, know what your car insurance will cover.
Prepare yourself before it becomes an issue by looking over your insurance now and learning about the different types of coverage available to you. There are generally two types of drivers involved in an auto accident – the driver hit and the driver that caused the collision. Drivers hit in an accident and experienced damages or injury need coverage for themselves, any passengers and their vehicle. Drivers at fault should pay for damages for all parties involved. Unfortunately, not all drivers possess insurance.
Uninsured Motorist
Having uninsured motorist insurance is the best way to make sure you are always covered, regardless of the other driver’s coverage. Although every driver should have insurance for their own vehicle, many people drive illegally and uninsured. If hit by an uninsured motorist who does not have any money, there is very little an attorney can do for you. However, if equipped with uninsured motorist coverage our car accident attorneys will fight to make sure your insurance company pays for all damages and injuries caused to you and your family.
Underinsured Motorist
Most drivers have insurance but sometimes the damages caused by an accident cost more than what the policy will cover. Under-insured motorist coverage can be tapped into after the at fault driver’s insurance has been exhausted and there are still damages to be paid.
Comprehensive coverage pays for any damages or loss not caused by a collision; such as theft, hail, flood damage, fire, or falling objects. Insurance is good to have; especially if you live in a high theft area or you don’t park your car in a garage.
Collision coverage pays for any damages done to your vehicle caused by collision with another object or vehicle. Rolled your vehicle? Hit a tree or another vehicle hits your car when parked? Collision insurance will pay for the damages.
Bodily Injury & Property Damage Liability
If you are at fault in a car accident, bodily injury & property damage liability insurance will pay medical expenses and additional damages for which you are liable for. Sued by another party? The limits on your coverage dictate how much the insurance company is willing to pay out.
Medical Payments
Medical coverage will pay for medical expenses for anyone insured under the policy; regardless if you are at fault in a car accident. Just remember, if the insurance companies treated you fairly after a car wreck, we’d be out of business.
When we call, insurance companies listen! Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys immediately if you have been injured in a car accident and we will go after the insurance companies to get you the money you may deserve. Don’t settle for less, call us today for a free case evaluation. So, don’t wait! Contact us today!
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