Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Taking Care of Mom After a Car Accident

Arizona mom after a car accident

Car accidents are traumatic no matter who is involved. When a mother is injured, it can have a negative impact on the whole family, especially since mothers take on the majority of the responsibility in the home, including household chores, taking care of children/pets, running errands, etc. In honor of Mother’s Day 2022, our Arizona personal injury attorneys provide advice on how to care for your mother after a vehicle accident. 

At Lerner and Rowe, we understand a car accident is stressful and time-consuming. Our legal team works hard to ensure all mothers receive the maximum compensation and care they deserve so they can concentrate on their recovery. 

Your mom has taken care of you—now it’s time for you to take care of her. Here’s how you can help take care of mom after a car accident. 

Things You Can Do to Help Your Mom After a Car Accident

If your mother, or the mother of your children, has been hurt in a car accident, there are various things you can do to help her recover and get through a difficult situation.

  • Take photos of the car and any injuries
  • Drive her to doctor appointments or anywhere else she needs to go
  • Prepare some pre-made, frozen dinners that can be easily reheated 
  • Offer to babysit
  • Enlist the kids to help in cleaning and organizing the house, so it’s easier to navigate
  • Provide emotional support 

These things might not seem like a lot, but the small things are the most important. This is particularly true when it comes to caring for your mother after a car accident. When recovering from a car accident, many people feel powerless, disappointed, and lonely. Anything you can do to help out your mom during this time will be much appreciated.

Caring For Family

After an accident, a mother’s first worry is usually how she will be able to care for her family. During this time, enlist friends and family to help with daily activities and transportation. Another key issue is how and when she will be able to return to work, especially if there is an injury. If this is the case, finding a respected personal injury attorney can be one way to put her mind at ease.

Get in Touch with an Arizona Accident Lawyer

Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys when you need a highly experienced, professional, and reputable Arizona accident lawyer for your mother after a vehicle accident. Call our office at any time of day or night by dialing 844-977-1900. Our LiveChat tool on our website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our company has a track record of obtaining the highest possible compensation for our customers. You will receive a free consultation and there will be no fees unless we win your case.

If your wife or mother has been in a vehicle accident, don’t let Mother’s Day pass without assisting her in obtaining the legal assistance she needs. Call now to book your no-cost consultation!

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.