Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Ride to Work Day: How to Share the Road in Chicago

Rider- Illinois motorcycle lawyer

Monday, June 20, 2022 is International Ride to Work Day. This is a day to recognize fellow travelers who use motorcycles and scooters instead of cars and trucks to get where they need to go. Every Illinois motorcycle lawyer knows just how important it is for motorcyclists to be recognized and respected on the road. 

They also know what can happen if that respect is nonexistent, or if drivers are careless. International Ride to Work Day raises awareness, and educates about the joys of riding motorcycles. But, why ride motorcycles, anyway?

More Motorcycles on the Road Can Benefit Everyone

If motorcycles and/or scooters replaced just 10% of automobiles and trucks, traffic congestion would drop significantly. One Belgian study showed that that 10% replacement would equal a 40% drop in congestion. A 25% reduction (instead of 10%) could eliminate congestion entirely in many areas, and greatly reduce it in others.

Parking difficulties would ease, too. Parking space could increase by as much as 20% with a 10% switch from vehicles to motorcycles.

Fuel costs could also go down. Motorcycles can be more than 25% more fuel efficient than vehicles that carry one or two passengers.

Riding Motorcycles Is Good Exercise

Riding a motorcycle also provides physical health benefits:

  • Improves core stability, strength- Maybe you have heard experts tout the importance of your “core.” Strengthening your core can do everything from giving you better posture and toning important muscles to taking pressure off of your back. Riding a motorcycle either as a passenger or driver utilizes these most important muscles every second you ride.
  • Improves neck strength- Weak neck muscles can cause pain, headaches, or worse. Having to keep your head up utilizes and strengthens those muscles continuously.
  • Strengthens knees and thighs- Somewhat like horse riding, straddling a motorcycle and having to stay on during the course of a ride utilizes those muscles, too.
  • Burns significantly more calories than riding in a car- Since you are using every muscle to stay on the bike and stay in control, you can guess that this most automatic form of exercise can burn significant calories, too.

Related topic: Best Motorcycle Rides in Illinois

Motorists Must Respectfully Share the Road with Motorcyclists

Perhaps the biggest reason for Ride to Work Day: Learning to pay attention to your fellow two-wheeled motorists on the road. 30 people have died in Illinois motorcycle accidents so far this year. Conversely, 167 riders died in motorcycle wrecks in 2021. To that end, Gov. JB Pritzker has urged people to always be alert for motorcycles and share the road.

It is your responsibility as a motorist to both be aware of and to give proper respect and space to motorcycles on the road. In fact, many accidents that involve vehicles and motorcycles are actually the fault of the vehicle’s driver, not the motorcyclist. 

Share the Road

Here is what you should know to make sure that you can help keep motorcyclists safe:

  • Check your blind spots

This is often the number one reason for car-motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles, and they can be difficult to see as your merging or changing lanes. Take several seconds to look at your car’s blind spots before you make your move. Make sure that you set your side and rear-view mirrors properly to give you the best visibility possible. While an Illinois motorcycle lawyer can certainly assist a motorcycle victim who has suffered injury in an accident, avoid responsibility for that and be careful.

  • Pass carefully

It is legal to pass a motorcycle just as you would a car as long as it is safe. However, go several lengths ahead of a motorcyclist before you return to your lane, since the gusts of wind caused by your passing can cause a motorcyclist to become unstable.

  • Be aware that motorcycles can have quicker reactions than cars

Stay well behind motorcyclist when you are following them, since rear ending a motorcycle can be fatal to the driver and passenger.

  • Be even more cautious during bad weather and at night

Follow motorcyclists in slippery conditions or at night at an even greater distance than you would normally. Turn off your high beams when you approach a motorcycle and do not pass one at night.

  • Do not try to “share” a lane side-by-side with a motorcyclist

It is never legal for a motorcycle and car or truck to share a lane.

Related topic: 16 Do’s and Don’ts When Traveling Behind Motorcycles in Illinois

Have You Been the Victim in a Motorcycle Accident? An Illinois Motorcycle Lawyer Can Help

Our Illinois motorcycle lawyer knows that you can be injured through no fault of your own. Call Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys for help at 844-977-1900 any time, or visit us online for a LiveChat. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m-5:00 p.m, Monday through Friday, but we are available 24/7 to take your call. We offer free consults, and there is no fee unless you win. So don’t wait any longer. You have nothing to lose. Call now!

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