Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Ride to Work Day 2022: Share the Road in Albuquerque

Albuquerque accident attorney

National Ride to Work Day is an annual event that many motorcycle, bicycle, and scooter enthusiasts look forward to. This year, National Ride to Work Day will be held on June 20, 2022. While it’s important to be safe on the roads every day, it’s especially important to pay extra close attention when there will be extra two-wheeled vehicles on the road. Motorcycles and scooters lack many of the safety features of cars and raising awareness about the importance of sharing the road safely is vital. 

Motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a crash compared to other motorists. In an effort to increase safety when sharing the road, the Albuquerque accident attorneys at Lerner & Rowe provide the following information about the benefits of riding your motorcycle or scooter to work.

What are the Benefits of Riding Your Motorcycle or Scooter to Work?

Wondering if you should ride your motorcycle or scooter to work? Here are some of the benefits you might not have considered:

Less damage to roads: Motorcycles and scooters are lighter than cars and other types of vehicles. As a result, they inflict less wear and tear on roads.  

Connecting with nature and your surroundings: Riding a motorcycle or a scooter you’ll be able to take in the sights and sounds of your surroundings. When you’re in a car with the windows rolled up, you’re in a bubble. Riding a scooter or motorcycle allows you to be more in touch with nature—you might even see your city in a new light!

Slash your gas budget: Motorcycles and scooters consume less gas than most cars. If you commute in one of these fuel-efficient vehicles on a regular basis, you’ll decrease your gas budget and save money over time.

Burn extra calories: Controlling and maneuvering a motorcycle or scooter requires more effort than driving a car. This will help burn extra calories and improve your stamina. 

How to Share the Road Safely

The following tips can assist drivers of all different types of vehicles share the road safely and avoid both motorcycle accidents and scooter accidents:

Pay attention to blind spots: Motorcycles and scooters are smaller than cars and have a lower blind spot, making them harder to see. Before changing lanes, double-check that your blind spot is clear.

Be careful when passing: When passing a motorcycle or scooter, turn on your signal to pass and wait until you’re several car lengths ahead of the other vehicle before returning to your lane. 

Watch for dangerous weather and road conditions: Bad weather, like monsoons, can cause poor road conditions and flooding. These conditions make driving challenging. Drivers should maintain a safe distance from motorcycles and scooters, leaving more space than usual because their riders may have to stop or swerve quickly. 

Double check when turning left: Before turning left, double-check that there isn’t a motorcycle or scooter approaching. A collision between a car turning left and an oncoming motorcycle can result in a serious accident.

Getting Help from an Albuquerque Accident Attorney

Consult an Albuquerque accident lawyer at Lerner and Rowe Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys if you’ve been injured in a motorcycle or scooter accident. We’re here for you when you need us—at our office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., calling us 844-977-1900 24/7, and online via LiveChat. We provide free consultations, so there is no cost to you for a free case evaluation. Because we don’t get paid unless we win your case, you can trust us to work hard and win. So don’t delay. Contact us today!

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