Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

National Walking Day: Tips to Enjoy the Walk and Stay Safe on the Streets

National Walking Day: Tips to Enjoy the Walk and Stay Safe on the Streets

Getting in regular walks is a popular exercise option for many. Not only is this a great way to stay in shape, but it also gives you the opportunity to take in your neighborhood in an entirely different way. There’s no better day to get started on a new walking routine than on National Walking Day, held on the first Wednesday of April (April 3rd this year). With that in mind, it pays to have some helpful National Walking Day tips to keep safe.

It’s important to keep in mind that with more pedestrians hitting the sidewalks, there are more potential safety hazards to be aware of. That’s why the pedestrian accident attorneys at Lerner and Rowe are here with the National Walking Day tips you need to enjoy the walk and stay safe this year.

Walk Smart

  • Sidewalks first: Always use sidewalks when available. If there are none, walk on the shoulder facing traffic.
  • Crosswalks are your friend: Only cross streets at designated crosswalks and cross with the light.
  • Ditch distractions: Put down your phone and avoid headphones that block out traffic noise. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.
  • Be predictable: Walk in a straight line and avoid weaving in and out of traffic.

Look Out for Drivers

One of the most important but rarely considered National Walking Day tips on this list is to always assume invisibility when you’re walking. Don’t rely on drivers to see you, especially at intersections. You should also try to make eye contact with drivers before crossing, even in crosswalks.

Lastly, be sure to watch for turning vehicles. Trucks and SUVs can have especially large blind spots when turning, so be sure to keep an eye out as you’re navigating around them.

See and Be Seen

  • Lighten Up (Daytime): In bright daylight, wear brightly colored clothing to increase your visibility, especially if you’re walking along busy roads with high speed traffic.
  • Lighten Up (Nighttime): When walking at night or in low-light conditions, carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing or accessories like a reflective vest, ankle band, or reflective strips.
  • Headlamps and Bike Lights (Extra visibility): Consider using a headlamp or a blinking LED light if you’re walking in pre-dawn or dusk hours, especially on paths with limited lighting.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Even with all the right gear, stay alert to your environment. Don’t walk into traffic while glued to your phone or lost in conversation.

Last National Walking Day Tips to Remember

Pedestrians always have the right-of-way in crosswalks, but exercising caution is key. If you see a car approaching a crosswalk at high speed, wait for it to pass before crossing, even if you have the right-of-way, and never jaywalk.

By following these tips and practicing safe walking habits, you can minimize your risk of pedestrian accidents and enjoy the benefits of a healthy walk on National Walking Day and every day.

Get Help from the Pedestrian Accident Attorneys at Lerner and Rowe Today

If you’ve been hurt in a pedestrian accident on National Walking Day or any other day of the year, the pedestrian accident attorneys at Lerner and Rowe can help you build a strong case and fight for the financial compensation you need and deserve.

You can reach us today and schedule your free case evaluation and consultation by giving us a call at 844-977-1900 24/7, reaching us via our online form, or by using LiveChat.

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