Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

What Compensation Can Chicago Accident Lawyers Help Me Pursue?

Chicago accident lawyers
Reach out to Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys for Chicago accident lawyers who will put you first.

If you have suffered physical, mental, or financial harm as the result of an accident, you may be able to pursue compensation. This is especially true if another party was negligent or otherwise at fault for whatever happened to you. Our Chicago accident lawyers can help you determine if based of the facts of your particular case, if you have a good chance of “winning your case” and receiving compensation.

If you happen to get into an accident, make sure you start gathering information immediately. The more details you gather, the better you will be able to present your case. Take down information like the names and addresses of people involved. Also, exchange insurance information if possible. Write down license plates, take photos of the accident site and damage to the vehicles. Note all other relevant details. It is also good to take down information about the witnesses and police officers who know what happened. Chicago accident lawyers may have an easier time winning cash compensation for you if you provide all of this information.

There are a few main areas you may be able to receive compensation for. Chicago accident lawyers will know how to get you the most compensation possible. We can also help you deal with the insurance companies. Consider the following categories that you may receive compensation for after an accident.

Medical Expenses

If you or your family member has suffered injury in an accident, you may accrue significant medical bills. If this occurs, keep records of every bill you pay for diagnosis, treatment, medicine, and any hospitalization or therapy you may have to pay for. Keep thorough records of every medical expense. You may be able to receive compensation for them later, especially if another party was at fault for the accident.

If an accident has caused you to have medical issues that will generate future medical expenses, you may also be able to receive compensation for those expenses.

Loss of Wages

If you had to miss work because of an accident, Chicago accident lawyers may be able to help you collect compensation for wages you have missed out on.  It is important to document the amount of time missed from work. If documented, an attorney will present the lost wages information, as well as any opportunities for career advancement that you may have missed. Missed chances for career advancement are also examples of lost earning capacity, and can potentially add to your compensation for lost wages.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering can take many forms. In some cases it is strictly physical, while in other cases may consider mental anguish. This can apply to anything that may have reduced your ability to enjoy life. It could be that you lost a limb, were permanently or temporarily disfigured, lost a loved one or pet, or suffer from PTSD after the accident.

If you believe you may be experiencing pain or suffering as the result of an accident, contact Chicago accident lawyers to help determine if you have a case. The most successful Chicago accident lawyers do not need to charge a consultation fee, because they are confident they can win your case to get you the compensation you deserve.

Chicago Accident Lawyers Who Win

In a wreck? Need a check? Contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys if you think you may be entitled to a settlement. You can get in contact with us at 708-222-2222. Our office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. But, we are available 24/7 to take your call.

You can also reach us through our website. We have a convenient LiveChat to help you get answers right away. We offer free consults, so there is no fee unless we win your case. Our team is highly motivated to win your case, because we get paid when you get paid. We bring experience, skill, and passion to your case. Reach out to Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys for Chicago accident lawyers who will put you first. Don’t wait. Call us today!

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