Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

Back to School Safety & Common Playground Injuries

AZ playground injury attorneys

In Arizona, some children attend school year-round thanks to summer school offerings. A handful of kids are lucky enough to live near a playground or other play space. Others access playgrounds at daycare. However, most children access playgrounds during recess at school.

If your little one is hurt while on a playground or when participating in any school-related function in Arizona, it is time to contact an Arizona playground injury lawyer that has experience representing injured children.

At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, our legal team knows exactly what is necessary to prove negligence (the lack of due care) and help our clients off all ages obtain the compensation they deserve for injuries and other damages.

Common Causes of Playground Injuries

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 200,000 children get hurt on playground equipment with injuries serious enough to need treatment in the emergency department. Further, most occur at school and public playgrounds.

These injuries can be serious or even fatal and may include:

Other injuries may include broken bones, sprains, and wounds to the teeth and mouth.

  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Wounds to teeth / mouth
  • Dislocations
  • Internal and head injuries

The causes of these injuries and the countless small tissue injuries that occur on playgrounds are incredibly wide-ranging. One of the most common causes is the lack of adequate maintenance.

In Arizona, equipment and structures in play areas are exposed to harsh sun rays, brutally strong winds, powerful rain storms, and other elements. These weather extremes contribute to splintering, cracking, and rotting, which create all sorts of risks for our little ones.

If your child’s school, daycare, municipality, or other private entity has failed to properly maintain its playground and your child endures an injury, there may be grounds for legal action.

Trips, Slips, and Falls at Playgrounds

Plenty of playgrounds have components that create tripping, slipping, and falling hazards. This is often due to poor design. In some instances, these injuries stem from inadequate maintenance or faulty repairs.

Common slip, trip, and fall hazards at playgrounds include:

  • Elevated section of rubber flooring
  • Nails on the playground with exposed ends
  • Extraordinarily large rocks
  • Overly-thick sand or scattered debris

Inadequate Supervision on Playgrounds

New Mexico and Arizona playground injury attorneys

Oftentimes, one can attribute a child’s playground injury to the lack of supervision. School and daycare playgrounds should have constant supervision at all times. Unfortunately, many of these spaces have minimal, if any, supervision.

The bottom line is if you leave your child in the care of a teacher or daycare center staff member, this professional should ensure your child’s safety when enjoying his day away from home.

There is a good chance your child’s playground injury is fully or partially attributable to a school or daycare center employees’ failure to provide due care. Perhaps the employee was distracted by her cell phone. Maybe she was at the vending machines when another child pushed your little one off the edge of an elevated portion of the playground and onto a sharp rock.

Connect with our Arizona playground injury attorneys and we will help you obtain compensation for your child’s pain and also medical bills.

Arizona Playground Injury Attorneys on Your Side

If your child endures any sort of injury while at a playground or in school, don’t assume it is your little one’s fault. If there is any shred of evidence that the property owner acted in a negligent manner, we will help you obtain compensation. You should not have to foot the bill for medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

Reach out to us 24/7 at 602-977-1900 to schedule a consultation. Our typical office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but we are open around the clock to help you when you need it most.

You can also use our web site’s convenient LiveChat feature to interact with one of our Arizona playground injury attorneys and get the ball rolling on your case.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.