Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

5 Preventative Tips for Driving at Night in Chicago

5 Preventative Tips for Driving at Night in Chicago
Enjoy these 5 Preventative Tips for Driving at Night in Chicago

Night driving is a very common occurrence. We all do it, even more around the holidays. In fact, 25% of our driving is during the nighttime hours. Night driving also presents unique driving challenges and risks that may not occur during the day.

It’s very important to ensure your safety and prepare yourself for the risks associated with night driving. This way, you can be better prepared to avoid an auto accident. The following are some of the most common night driving risks and ways drivers can minimize these risks.

5 Preventative Tips for Driving at Night

  1. Never Drink & Drive – Fatal alcohol-related accidents are four times higher at night than during the day. Use defensive driving techniques. Watch out for signs of drunk driving. If you do suspect a drunk driver, keep your distance and safely call 911. This ensures your own safety, as well as others on the road. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys encourage you to stay safe and never drink and drive.
  2. Increase Distance, Reduce Speed – By reducing your speed and avoiding tailgating, you will most likely get you where you need to be, safe and sound. Always use your headlights to help you gauge your distance and braking times at night. Another way to gauge your distance is by using the 3-second rule. There should be at least a 3-second gap before you reach the same area. If it takes less than 3 seconds to catch up, then slow down!
  3. Clean windshields – Dirty windshields seem annoying yet harmless during the day. At night, they can be downright dangerous. Dirty windshields can cause blinding glares when headlights hit it just at the right angle. Dust that you might not notice during the day can build up on the inside preventing you to properly see at night. It is very important to clean your windshield both inside and out.
  4. Pedestrians – At night, many people walk and jog thanks to cooler temperatures or scheduling conflicts. However, sometimes they don’t always wear proper night safety gear. This makes it incredibly difficult to see them after dark. Always take extra time and precaution driving at night to watch for pedestrians, especially on poorly-lit roads. If you happen to be at an intersection, look both ways before entering. This ensures no one is in danger by stepping off the curb.
  5. Distractions – Finding the right tunes or scarfing down a burger may be your number one priority, but as a driver, it’s dangerous.These little tasks take your attention off the road, and at night, you could hit something normally avoidable. After a long day at work, your reaction times will be reduced. Taking your full attention off the road at any point in time is an expensive and potentially deadly idea.

Contact Lerner and Rowe Car Accident Attorneys Today!

Have you suffered injuries from a reckless driver? Even if you are unsure if the accident was another driver or institution’s fault, you will benefit from meeting with our legal team at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys. Let us review the nuances of your unique case to determine if there is sound legal footing that sets the stage for a favorable settlement or judgment. We offer free consultations and take no fee unless we in your case.

Contact our Illinois car crash attorneys at 844-977-1900 to schedule an appointment. Our office hours are 8am-5pm, yet someone is available 24/7 to field your call. If you would like to reach us online, click the LiveChat feature on our website. You have nothing to lose by contacting us. So, don’t wait!

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