Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys 844-977-1900

What Should You Do After You Suffered an Injury?

What Should You Do After You Suffered an Injury?
Chicago attorneys offers tips on what to do if you get injured in Chicago.

After a traffic accident an injured person can often feel overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. Especially, immediately after the accident occurs. So what should you do after you suffered an injury in Chicago due to the reckless actions of another driver? At Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys, we have answers to that question. Please look over the following to learn more about what you should do after you suffered an injury.

Seek Medical Attention

The first thing you should do after you get hurt in a wreck is seek medical attention. Even if you think you’re “fine,” don’t risk it! Many injuries don’t show symptoms until a few days or even weeks after the incident occurs. Plus, by seeking immediate medical attention you will have an easier time proving any injuries were the direct result of the incident.

Key takeaway: Don’t report that you are “fine” without first seeking medical attention. Doing so could potentially negatively affect a personal injury claim.

Collect Evidence

Another step you should take after a personal injury occurs is to collect as much information or evidence as possible. This collected evidence can then be used later to prove severity of injuries and other damages.

The following includes a list of evidence that can help support your injury claim:

  • Photos of the accident scene.
  • Photos of all your injuries.
  • Contact and insurance information of the other driver(s) involved.
  • Contact information of witnesses.
  • Personal journal notes from before, during, and after the accident.
  • Medical documentation.
  • Police report.

Key takeaway: When in doubt, take a picture or write notes down. Why? For the reason that you never know when the smallest shred of evidence could help you meet your burden of proof.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Personal injuries suffered from an accident can range from minor to extreme. However, the severity of an injury isn’t the only deciding factor on whether or not a person should receive compensation. Long term medical care, lost wages, and other damages should also be taken into consideration when assessing the amount of compensation deserved.

This somewhat complex assessment process is why it’s important to seek the legal support of a personal injury lawyer, and not try to tackle things on your own. Furthermore, an attorney will use their extensive knowledge to help determine negligence, fault, and the total extent of damages/injury to seek the best outcome possible.

Key takeaway: Trying to pursue your personal injury case alone could be risky and time consuming. Oftentimes, you may unknowingly make a mistake that can lead to reduced compensation, or no compensation at all. Your best bet it to hire a personal injury attorney to help ensure you get all the compensation that you deserve.

Still Unsure What to Do after a Personal Injury?

Don’t let uncertainty stop you from seeking help! Pick up your phone and contact Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys right away to get answers and peace of mind. Our attorneys are skilled at getting the most compensation possible for accident victims who suffered an injury. Plus, consultations are 100% free, and we don’t collect any fees until we win your case. So don’t wait a minute longer. Call Lerner and Rowe’s legal team today at 844-977-1900!

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.